Thursday, May 13, 2021

How to Create an Independent Mind

 The ability to think is a divine act. When we stop thinking for ourselves, we become victims of others' beliefs and values.

When the mind is clear, we can express our independence from others. This is our freedom. This is our divine edict to question the meaning of long-held teachings on individual power. 

Similarly, a good example of this mindset is a quotation that seemingly doesn't apply to our individual power at all. Nevertheless, after a closer look, we can discern our own power of expression in the statement.   

"I am the way, the truth, and the life." (Original interpretation that applies to a divine being).

The following is a 21st-century interpretation of the same quotation that now applies to all individuals as divine beings:

"I am the way because I create my own way based on my beliefs and values."

"I am the truth because my truth is determined by my beliefs and values."

"I am the life because I live my life according to my beliefs and values."

Regardless of our faith in others, we still have the power to think for ourselves. For many, t's primarily our fear of ridicule from others that we choose not to.  

Meanwhile, I am sharing the "Ten Principles of Enlightenism" to add further clarity on how to create an independent mind.


1.  I acknowledge that I am responsible for the current conditions in my life.

2.  I acknowledge that my beliefs and values created the conditions in my life.

3.  I acknowledge that I have the power to change my beliefs and values.

4.  I acknowledge that for me to change my beliefs and values, I must first be willing to enter into self-discovery.

5.  I acknowledge that self-discovery is the gateway to my unconditioned Awareness-of-Being.

6.  I acknowledge that I have the power to express peace, love, and compassion to others and to myself.

7.  I acknowledge that I have the power to live my life free of toxic beliefs and values.

8.  I acknowledge my responsibility for engaging in mindful parenting relationships with my family.

9.  I acknowledge that I have the power to live my life free from all forms of addictions.

10. I acknowledge that I have the power to express happiness and mindfulness in all my actions.

"I am greater than the I that I created." Brother Malcolm Kelly


1 comment:

Consult Carolyn said...

Excellent blog and the clarity of each Beings divinity. We need not look outside for divinity when it is within.

Our divinity is expressed in this moment and in this lifetime. Building an independent mind is truly a new way to think and live. The ten principles lead you to you.