"I am greater than the I that I created."
The power to visualize makes you powerful. This is the power you need to heal the mind of victimization.
For you to have this power, you need to see clearly. Unfortunately, you have blurred vision from living in an illusory world. This means you cannot see yourself or others from the prism of a victim-free mind.
For you to see clearly, you must cleanse your mind of victimization. You must be willing to stop thinking and acting like a victim.
Many victims struggle because they believe they have to. It's difficult for them to know they're in an illusion. The illusions of race and color imprison their minds in a web of victimization.
Similarly, the victim's mind is always seeking something externally. Regardless of the pain, you seek ways to live with it. Unfortunately, this is the victim's mindset.
There is a solution to this mindset. It is Enlightenism.
Enlightenism is all the power you need to solve your problems. An Enlightenism mind is free and powerful. It is all the power you need to live a victim-free life.
The victim-free mind comes from the Enlightenism Formula. This formula heals the mind of its proclivities to embody a powerless victim mindset. In other words, it overcomes your victim training.
On the road to Enlightenism, we learn to accept ourselves as creators. A creator is responsible for maintaining a victim-free mind.
Nevertheless, to change, we need power and clarity, Our power and clarity exist in our minds.
"On your journey to achieve enough power to change your life, you must continue to search for it within your mind., which is where your intuitive consciousness is found. This power must not be confused with illusionary powers found in societal positions such as the president of a country or a major corporation.
"A victimized mind is a wasted life that pays homage to the illusions of the world. When you feel like a victim, you act like one.
"As a victim, you marvel at the power of the illusions expressing themselves as governments, organizations, and economies of the world. These are the powers that weaken your resolve to trust the great power within your mind." "Seeds from the Ashes"
Insights from the books "Seeds from the Ashes" and "Enlightenism." You can buy them by clicking the image on the blog.