Sunday, December 15, 2024

A Focused Mind

Who are you aware of being? What beliefs are you using to describe yourself? 

The answers to both questions are obfuscated by illusions that distort who we are without relying on societal labels. It's difficult to know who we are because our identity is hidden from us. 

We believe we are of a certain race and color. There is little to question about ourselves. We've been this way since birth.  We were born half-blind with a thin, invisible veil over our eyes.

We are not actually born with a veil over our eyes, it's society's circumcision of our natural clarity. However, once it's done, unless we restore our natural clarity. we will never know we are living in a man-made illusion. 

During various stages in our lives, we get glimpses of lights flecked with intuitive insights of clarity. We don't what they mean so we ignore them.  However, some of us are curious and want to know their meanings. 

The desires to know lead us to our natural clarity. This is the journey that leads us to self-discovery and Enlightenism, our natural clarity.  With our natural clarity restored, we have the power to help ourselves.  

When we discover we have the power to help ourselves, we also discover that we need courage to help ourselves. Courage is important because we need it to take the first step of expressing our desires of clarity.  

It takes courage to face the abatement of clarity and to let go of our sense-certainty knowledge of illusions. 

It takes courage to live in the light of Enlightenism. It takes courage to change the mind to accept new beliefs. 

Why is change difficult? 

Change is difficult because of a lack of clarity. This makes it difficult to clearly perceive the problems in our lives. Most of us don't know we need to change, because our lives appear normal like everyone else's.  We believe we are divinely created as victims. 

These beliefs make it difficult to change, but not impossible. When the desire is strong enough and the commitment firm, we will search within for the power to change how we think and live. 

Many find the light of Enlightenism daunting. We initially are afraid of clarity. Our lives have been in darkness depending on others to share their light with us.  

We are intimidated by the light. It frightens us. Many give up and search for the light in politics, economics, and religion.  For the first time in our lives, we can see things clearly. 

Unfortunately, after we discover the light of Enlightenism,  we can never return to the darkness of toxicity. 

To learn more about the Enlightenism philosophy, I recommend the books Enlightenism and Seeds from the Ashes.  You can also subscribe to my radio and YouTube channel for additional Enlightenism insights.

Radio: YouTube BrotherMalcolm Kelly @brothermalcolmkelly 1811