Monday, August 17, 2015

Reconnecting With Our Unconditioned Consciousness

 When we accept that everything we know came from others, then, and only then, can we transcend what we have been taught by others. This is the goal of spiritual transcendence.

All of us who are working on clarity know that we must continue to transcend all of our awareness-of-beings until we reconnect with our unconditioned consciousness. This is the unchangeable, formless, faceless, and colorless consciousness that remains unaffected by the toxic beliefs and values of this world.

For us to transcend our toxic beliefs and values, we must understand that our current awareness-of-being is based on illusions. We must also accept responsibility for having created our current awareness-of-being: The one that's responsible for the current conditions in our lives.

After we accept responsibility for having faith in the illusions, we're able to fashion a clear vision to assist us with transcending them. This vision must be free of the illusions and firmly rooted in our commitment to transcend the beliefs and values from our parents and society.

The road to enlightenment consciousness is a lonely one. So whenever we decide to trust our unconditioned consciousness, we must be willing to let all others go. In other words, we must relinquish our dependency on others to teach us about ourselves.

Many of us are afraid to trust ourselves. We have accepted the societal definitions of power, and its worthy recipients.  It's unfortunate, but most of us believe this means we are unworthy of power.

Nevertheless, at the core of our powerless consciousness, we still crave power. Unfortunately for most of us, devoid of clarity, this craving for power only leads us deeper into the illusions and powerlessness.  

Similarly, the more we crave power, the more we seek it from outside of ourselves. The illusions teach us that God or authentic power is outside of us. It exists only in the manner defined by the illusions.

In other words, we believe that Godlike power means power to rule over others. Most of us accept this illusory interpretation of God as being an accurate description of  God. We have forgotten that our understanding of God comes from our beliefs and values, which come from the illusions.

Meanwhile, regardless of how many times we're told by the enlightened ones  that God is within us, we continue to disbelieve this. We become angry whenever someone says that our unconditioned consciousness is actually God in us.

God is, and remains in our lives as unconditioned consciousness. This unconditioned consciousness exists in all of us. It is the source of our formless, faceless, and colorless awareness-of-being.

For us to discover and connect with our unconditioned consciousness, we must be reborn into it. This means, we must conquer the illusions responsible for separating us from the clarity of our unconditioned consciousness.

Friday, August 7, 2015

"Getting Off The Crowded Road"

Some of us have decided that enough is enough. We believe that by following others we degrade our own power. So we have chosen to get off their crowded road and create a new one for ourselves.

We clearly understand that for us to find ourselves, we must first get off the crowded road. This means we must lose our attachments  to popular beliefs and values. In other words, we must be willing to stop following others and start trusting our own power. 

Nevertheless, the things most of us cherish on the crowded road such as, wealth, status, fame, toxic relationships, and so on, are what prevent us from seeking another path or perspective. These things are the illusions that make it difficult for us to trust the Enlightenism within us.

Similarly, the narrow road, or the less crowded and traveled one, is the one that leads to Enlightenism. This is the spacious path for understanding the development of our awareness-of-being. The Buddhist refer to this as our introduction to:  form, feeling, thought, will, and consciousness as the source of our illusions.

This is also the path that the Christians refer to as being "born again in spirit and in truth." And that this transformation occurs in our unconditioned consciousness; the consciousness that is free of toxic beliefs and values, and sin.

For us to reach this level of consciousness, the awareness-of-being enlightened, we must first free our consciousness from the beliefs and values we acquired on the crowded road. This rebirth in consciousness is all we need to express our purpose for being in this world.

Similarly, for those who are willing to let go and seek enlightenment within our unconditioned consciousness, we are the ones who will discover the path and travel on it. This is the path paved with the thoughts and actions of our enlightened predecessors.

Many of us disbelieve in unconditioned consciousness. We believe our conditioned consciousness, the one developed from the toxic beliefs and values of others, is the only awareness-of-being available to us.

In other words, we believe our brain and consciousness are the same. Unfortunately, this belief system imprisons us in a web of illusions. And it is our beliefs in illusions that keep us on the crowded road.

Meanwhile, regardless of how many times we hear about unconditioned consciousness and spirit, we continue to believe it exists in our brain or mind. We cannot fathom a perspective beyond the archaic philosophical dictum: "I think, therefore I exist."

Some of us understand that existence is awareness-of-being. And this means we can choose to exist with clarity and power or with dogma and powerlessness. Both of these perspectives come from our thoughts.

Enlightenism is beyond thinking in the traditional sense. It is the awareness-of-being without toxic beliefs and values, and the thoughts produced from them