"Change your Consciousness, Change your Life"
If we can't see clearly, then we must rely on others to guide us. They lead us on a journey where we become blinded by toxic illusions, which limit our power to see or hear insights that empowers us to guide ourselves.
Many are lost in the struggle to free ourselves from toxicity. We have encapsulated ourselves into a myopic nightmare where we feel overwhelmed by past experiences and future expectations. Even though our pain is severe, we just don't know how to free ourselves.
Similar, we have been in this toxic nightmare for so long that we have learned how to accept it as reality. We believe this awareness is the only reality available to us. This type of thinking has rendered us powerless to trust ourselves to change what we think of ourselves.
Whenever we reach the point in our lives that we're ready to change, then the desire itself begins the process for change. This single, unfettered desire for freedom catapults the Consciousness to begin the inward journey that leads to Enlightenism.
Some discovered on the inward journey that our Awareness-of-Being was responsible for our powerlessness. In other words, we're powerless because of the beliefs and values we were using to define ourselves.
It was on the inward journey that our focus for change shifted to understanding and changing our Awareness-of-Being. We understood that regardless of our problems, we have the power to change them, and that all change begins in Consciousness.
Consciousness, in its natural state, is whole, perfect, and complete. We perceive it as colorless, faceless, and formless. We can condition our Consciousness to accept whatever we teach it. This means we can teach ourselves to believe we are prisoners of toxicity or we can condition it to accept that we are the Greater Power.
Nevertheless, when we recondition our Consciousness to accept that it is the Greater Power, we can create a new, toxic-free, Awareness-of-Being that reflects this power. Our new Awareness-of-Being will be created in the image of its Creator, which is whole, perfect, and complete.
This new Awareness-of-Being represents change without toxic references. We are now expressing change in a manner unknown to those in toxicity. In other words, we stop judging change by using a toxic criteria.
Meanwhile, when we stop depending on a toxic criteria to interpret our changes, we accept that our actions are coming from an Awareness-of-Being that has cleansed itself of toxicity. This Enlightenism Awareness-of-Being has its own criteria for expressing change. It is the clarity to know that without toxic distortions, we are colorless faceless, and formless.
"Change your Consciousness, Change your Life"
1 comment:
Change your consciousness change your life is written with transparent clarity. This enlighten message is filled with insights of Abundant Love, Purified Light and Absolute Truth that flow from the Awareness-of-Being that resides within. Exposing a fragmented belief system of others that is mistaken for reality, this message reflects the power and glory of knowing the Organic Self as faceless, formless and colorless. When aware of the inner self, one clears the way to consciously hear insights within themselves to dissipate external limitations of physicality. Like turning on a light-switch, it's really awesome that the mere desire to know the True Self is enough to begin the purification process mentioned above to shift outdated toxic perceptions...miraculously revealing the beauty and perfection of complete wholeness.
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