Saturday, April 20, 2024

How to Cleanse our Mind of Illusions

 "I am greater than the I that I created."

 "Seek, and you shall find." 

"Things appear not as they are, but as we are."

Most of us suffer from universal trauma, but don't know it. We don't know because we depend on illusions for power and clarity. 

We inherited the illusions from past generations.  When we inherited them from our parents and society, we didn't know they contained a poisonous virus. They infected us with the victim-dependency virus, which we passed to the next generation.  

Our parents and others taught us to depend on them for the truth. They wanted us to trust them and believe they would never do anything to harm us. Most of them didn't intentional try to harm us. 

Unfortunately, they were unaware of the deleterious effects of the victim-dependency virus. They didn't know the virus would create generations of powerless victims.

The virus continues to live in our generation.  Many are currently victims because we don't believe our powerlessness is created from a virus created thousands of years ago. 

We continue to pass it on to our children. We teach them knowledge of past generations to help them live in the present.   

Each generation seeks freedom by depending on the previous ones for power and clarity. This means we are searching for a cure of the virus by depending on the hearsay knowledge of previous generations. 

Many find it difficult to admit that we lack the power and clarity to overcome the virus. We also find it difficult to admit that we rely too heavily on others' beliefs to overcome the illusions currently victimizing us. It's unfortunate, but without power and clarity we're trapped in an illusory web of cyclical generational victimization. 

Many seek freedom, but few achieve it. Most live and die in the illusory beliefs of others.

When we enter self-discovery, we know illusion-dependent living is a painful way to live. We also know that in self-discovery we attain the power and clarity to perceive the virus as an illusion.  

When we discover the truth for ourselves, we let go of others' hearsay knowledge as the truth. This is the direct knowledge we need to stop passing the virus to our children and others. 

Similarly, it becomes clear quickly in self-discovery that we are powerless because of the victim-dependency virus. It's also clear that we can cure ourselves of the virus with Enlightenism. 

Enlightenism leads us to self-discovery. Self-discovery leads us to the Consciousness of Truth, and the Consciousness of Truth leads us to the greater power of God within us.  We cannot achieve this level of freedom as powerless victims struggling in a cesspool of illusions. 

Regardless of how hard we try, it's impossible to achieve freedom of generational illusions infected with the victim-dependency virus. We must first cleanse our minds of it.  

The cleansing process begins with the desire to let go of our dependency on others' power and clarity. When our desires are strong, and our commitment is courageous, we are ready to enter self-discover and remove the virus from our Consciousness. 

The Consciousness of Truth within is the direct knowledge we need to stop searching for our freedom externally. External causation is created by the victim-dependency virus distorting our awareness of being the greater power. 

When the mind is cleansed of the victim-dependency virus, we understand the relationship between internal and external causation. We know that illusions always exist as illusions. 

To learn more about Enlightenism Consciousness and Powers of Mind, I recommend you read my books Enlightenism and Seeds from the Ashes.

I recommend you follow my radio and YouTube broadcasts at www.blogtalkradio/BrotherMalcolmKelly and, and my YouTube channel Brother Malcolm Kelly.

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