"Change Your Consciousness, Change Your Life"
Far beneath our problems lies a realm of Consciousness that's greater than our problems. However, to reach this Consciousness, we must be willing to let go of our current Awareness-of-Being.
In those dark moments, the ones when we're alone, doubtful, and fearful of failure, we have the opportunity to see what's really bothering us. If we choose, we can see the cause of the confusion about who we are during the difficult times.
All problems have a beginning and end. There's a cause for the beginning, which is also the one responsible for the end. Even though we seek others to blame, we are always responsible for creating and solving our own problems.
Whenever we feel overwhelmed by our problems, it's time to take the inward journey to Enlightenism. Enlightenism is a simple expression of clarity and power from unconditioned consciousness, which is the Greater Power.
Regardless of our doubts about the Greater Power existing as Consciousness, we cannot ignore how we feel during the difficult times. We know that we're accustomed to believing there's a power that's greater than our current Awareness-of-Being. Many believe this power exists outside.
The Greater Power of unconditioned Consciousness is unknown to those in toxicity. We know of this power from what others taught us, but we don't know really know what it is. To really know this power we must make the inward journey that leads us to it.
On the inward journey we learn to unlearn what others taught us about the Greater Power. The unknown is actually the known to those on the inward journey to Enlightenism. What's unknown to us in toxicity is known to us in Enlightenism. What's denied in toxicity is revealed in Enlightenism.
Meanwhile, we can remain victims of our beliefs and values, or we can decide to make the inward journey and create some new, toxic-free ones. On this journey we learn how to make the unknown known to our current Awareness-of-Being.
"Change Your Consciousness, Change Your Life"
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