Thursday, July 25, 2024

Creating Successful Relationships with People You Dislike

 "I am greater than the I that I created."

"People appear not as they are, but as we think they are."

There are many people we dislike for various reasons. Some because of their political, religious, and social beliefs. And there are those we dislike because of their looks, personality, or they rub us the wrong way.  Most of the time, we have difficult explaining why we dislike them, but we do.  

Whenever we dislike someone for whatever reason, it's time to look at ourselves. What are our beliefs? Where did we acquire these beliefs? Most of the time, we will discover the answers are always the same: we acquired them from others.  

When we understand that we acquired our beliefs from others, we have a choice to either keep or let them go. If we choose to keep them, then we will remain trapped in a miasma of illusions about who we are and our relationships with others. On the other hand, if we choose to let them go, and search within for Enlightenism, we will learn how to create new illusions-free beliefs. 

I created the Enlightenism philosophy to overcome our dependency on others for power and clarity. Enlightenism is a paradigm shift in consciousness, because it cleanses the mind of dependency on generational illusions for power and clarity. We also learn with Enlightenism how to stop disliking ourselves and others. 

When I began my Enlightenism journey to overcome victimization, and dependency on others for knowledge, I searched within for the solutions. That's when I discovered intuitive Consciousness.  Intuitive Consciousness provided me with the power and clarity to search deeper, which ultimately led me to the Consciousness of Truth. 

The Consciousness of Truth revealed its light for overcoming the illusions imprisoning me in a web of generational victimization. This revelation helped me understand that before I could go deeper in Consciousness, I must first cleanse my mind of others' beliefs. 

I felt like I was experiencing an epiphany. I was no longer afraid of myself or to examine the distrust I had been cultivating for years. I began to trust myself.  

The deeper I searched within, the brighter the light shined on the illusions victimizing me. I clearly perceived the illusions of race, color, religion, and education as the ones primarily responsible for my victimization. 

When the truth is revealed to us, we must not try to ignore it, but understand it. This is the light that frees us of our dependency on generational beliefs. It opens our mind to affirm that our victimization impacts how we interact with others.  

The self-consciousness affirmation that the greater power is within is the light we need to understand that those we dislike are reflections of what we dislike about ourselves. 

Enlightenism is a philosophy of light that shines within us.  Regardless of our current awareness of being, with Enlightenism we can overcome the beliefs responsible for this awareness. 

To learn more about Enlightenism and Inner-mind Power, I recommend the books "Enlightenism" and "Seeds from the Ashes." 

I also encourage you to follow my radio broadcast and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Radio:  www.blogtalkradio/BrotherMalcolmKelly and,

YouTube: Brother Malcolm Kelly @brothermalcolmkelly 1811

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