Sunday, January 22, 2023

Spiritual Realism

When we live as victims for too long, we believe it's clarity. Victims even believe religion is separate from secularism.  

When we lack the clarity to understand religion and secular dualism, we remain confused about who we are. In other words, which belief system is our priority? 

Many try to condition their lives with this separatism illusion.  Some convince themselves to believe one is superior to the other. Yet we remain undeniably unconscious victims of secularism. 

Whenever we try to deny our secularism, we keep religion in our secular rituals. 

When we're eating dinner, attending a political event, or killing someone with a lethal injection of poison, we seek God's blessings. We cannot shake the feeling that God is watching us.

The purpose of  Enlightenism is to provide us with clarity. This philosophical approach to understanding dualism is vital to our freedom. The freedom and clarity to stop playing secular games with spiritual realism.  

Spiritual realism is not a game or subordinate power to secularism. Spiritual realism is unconditioned consciousness. It is always the greater power.  

Unconditioned consciousness is Enlightenism. Enlightenism is the clarity to discern the difference between spiritual and secular beliefs. Enlightenism removes the veil of doubt about the greater power. When we remove the doubt, we know it's unconditioned consciousness.

When we know the greater power is consciousness, we know religion and secularism are not separated. We also know which one is the greater of the two. When we know this, we're no longer victims of this dualism. 

When we let go of the sense-certainty that religion and secularism are separated, we trust our clarity to guide us to freedom.  Most of us are too tired to engage in inner-mind warfare.  We have given up. 

Our war-weary minds remind us of the lost battles with secularism. The lost battles against secularism are not permanent. 

We have to find the will to recapture our minds. Regardless of how we feel, we must preserve until freedom is achieved. 

When we trust Enlightenism, we are guided by clarity. We know dualism is an illusion. 

We can never give up on Enlightenism. This is our connection to unconditioned consciousness. 

Many of us are confused because we don't want to change our beliefs. We believe the current system of thought works.  

We're afraid to believe religion is the greater power. We abhor thoughts of being compared to Middle Eastern countries. 

Many believe we cannot exist without secularism. When we understand spiritual realism, we know it's a greater power.

We then know we have the power and clarity to transcend the confusion between spirituality and secularism. We also know that with unfettered clarity, we can create a society that expresses this clarity. 

When we change our consciousness with clarity, we free the mind of toxicity.  

Read my books "Enlightenism" and "The New African-American Man" to learn more about Enlightenism.

For additional information, please follow my radio broadcast at and

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