Friday, September 24, 2021

Power Over Illusions

 "I am greater than the I that I created." 

We can choose power or powerless. The choice is determined by our beliefs and values. 

For those who seek power, we must understand where it comes from. Power comes from within our minds. 

The mind is the source of our power. A cleansed mind can solve its own problems. 

Our problems are merely interpretations of the doubts we have about who we are. When we focus on solutions, we stop focusing on our fears and doubts.

Beyond all of our problems are the solutions to solve them. 

"When you continue to work on cleansing your mind of societal definitions, you will reach the point where you can accept the Greater Power of Enlightenism as being you. 

"Your awareness of being one with this power is all you need to know about your work for unlearning societal definitions.  

"While you're working on your mind to unlearn toxicity, you stop judging the progress of your work by relying on toxic interpretations."

Whenever I think about power, I remember that power comes from my mind.  This awareness  expresses itself  in my life as the dictum "I am greater than the I that I created." 

For further insights, please buy the book "Enlightenism.

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