Friday, June 25, 2021

Overcome Your Victim Mindset

 "I am greater than the I that I created."

"I am always greater than my current Awareness-of-Being."

The power of change is present in you. You are greater than the person you're currently aware of being.  Nevertheless, for this transformation to happen, you must create an independent mindset. 

When is enough suffering enough for you? Are you tired of depending on toxic beliefs and values?  If you feel this way, then it's time to pursue new beliefs and values. 

This new way to think and live is Enlightenism.  Enlightenism is unconditioned Consciousness.  This is the power and clarity to create an independent mind that's free of toxicity. 

Similarly, we must decide for ourselves when the time is ripe to change how we think and live. There is no magical timeframe or special event to dictate this moment.

"I decided to change only after I had reached a low point in my life; a point where I was emotionally and spiritually bankrupt.  

"Many people who reach this point in their lives turn to spirituality, education, or a change in environment. I felt the same way until something, an unknown, yet familiar idea encouraged me to first take a look at the actions that caused me to have these feelings about myself.

"It was clear to me that I didn't like this powerless, victimized feeling, and as a result, I was willing to listen to any idea I believed could assist me with overcoming my pain.  I also clearly didn't want to spend my time daydreaming about someone coming to rescue me from my own creations.

"I may have been confused and emotionally drained about the direction of my life, but I was confident that only I could rescue myself from the conditions I had created in my life.

"Whenever you reach a point like this in your life, it feels strange.  It's a place where you distrust your thoughts and ideas to be greater than your problems.  

"This is the awareness of being where you believe your mind is victimized by illusions of lack, limitation, and struggle. You feel your mind struggling to free itself from the invisible web of illusions imprisoning your mind in toxicity.  

"The more you struggle to free yourself from the illusions, the more you succumb to accepting yourself as powerless.  This is the way it feels when you're ready to wake up and begin your inner-mind journey. 

"One of the primary misinterpretations about how to change your life is believing that it takes too long, and you don't have enough time and power. 

"When the desire is strong enough and the commitment firm, then you always have enough time and power."    Insights from the book Enlightenism.                                                                                                                                             

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