Monday, August 25, 2014

The Powers of Mind Messiah

Many of us have moments in our lives when we want someone to free us from our pain and suffering. During these moments when we are overwhelmed by our doubts about Powers of Mind, we begin to pray for a Messiah to rescue us from our own pain and suffering.

Whenever we feel depressed, mired deeply in hopelessness,  and believe life is too difficult for us, it's important for us to understand that these feelings are merely expressions of our current beliefs and values.  They are temporal creations of our awareness of being.

Nevertheless, even though they are temporal, our existence is defined by our awareness of being. And it's this temporal awareness of being that causes us to believe we are powerless and must seek assistance from outside of ourselves. This consciousness-of is responsible for our beliefs in a Messiah who exists  outside of our Powers of Mind.

For many of us immersed in a world of our own creation, we find it difficult to believe that the "Kingdom of God or Heaven" is within each of us. We continue, in spite of our beliefs in the Scriptures, to believe that this power exists outside of us. This means we search for it in people, places, and things.

Some philosophers have written about the power we have to play many different roles or create other awareness of beings. We become aware of ourselves in different images and forms according to our beliefs and values at that moment. Even though, this awareness of being is not the ultimate expression of our potentialities.

Those of us who have embodied awareness of being impoverished, wealthy, white, black, male, female, and so on are simply limited by our consciousness-of. We are imprisoned in the illusions we have created of ourselves.

For those of us who desire to overcome our illusions, by embracing Powers of Mind, we are able to experience moments of existence without awareness of being something. While these moments are rare and occur for only brief, fleeting moments, we feel them inside of us.

It is during these Powers of Mind moments that we recognize the essence of our potentiality. We perceive consciousness-of something greater than our current conditions of lack and powerless. Nevertheless, these are the times we get glimpses into another awareness of being unconditioned. These are our Powers of Mind moments.

When we are willing to accept responsibility for the nightmares in our lives, then we will begin the process of discovering our Powers of Mind. We will discover for ourselves this unconditioned consciousness that is consciousness-of itself.

This is the awareness of being we need to know  who we are without our societal beliefs and values. We have the clarity and sagacity to know that our power is not limited by religion and education. Nor is it dependent on others to express itself in our lives.

When we discover that Powers of Mind is the spacious awareness of being responsible for our existence in this world, then we will know that we were born enlightened into a world of darkness and suffering.

This is the power that a Messiah possess. And when we claim this power for ourselves, we will no longer believe it exists outside of us.

We will know clearly that which we pray for, and seek, already exists in our Powers of Mind.


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