Friday, August 8, 2014

The Power to Continue on our Path

There are times when we just don't believe we can continue on our journey. We want to stop, because the work seems fruitless and the rewards meaningless.

Somewhere on our journey we have forgotten that it's an individual one. The answers to all of our questions about who we are, and what we are doing here, are found in our Powers of Mind. This is the awareness we need to create a clear, effortless path for our journey.

During the development of our minds we learned how to live in this world according to what others taught us. We created for ourselves an awareness of being that defined us by skin color, race, nationality, gender, social and economic class, and our relationships to a Supreme being.

Most of us didn't ever seriously challenge this made-up information. We accepted this information as axiomatic beliefs and values.

In other words, the truth value had already been proven by others. So there's no need for us to waste our time questioning it.

When we accept societal information as verified fact or psychological realities, we can not create a new awareness of being that is independent of our foundational beliefs and values. So the search for a new awareness of being becomes fruitless for us by using this information.

It is important for us to know that the person we are aware of being now was created in our minds according to societal beliefs and values. This means we live in flux with the societal vicissitudes defining right and wrong behavior.

We become psychologically limited by the information. This creates  an identity crisis of our  awareness of being.: And it is from this awareness that we find the tribulations of life are devastating for most of us.

In our efforts to escape from our own toxic minds, we imagine all sorts of things to assist us with our work. It is during our imaginary exploits that we begin to cherish money and seek the "good life." This is also the time we begin to realize that we seem to be always seeking one more thing to assuage our thirst for fulfillment.

Nevertheless, our imaginary minds become even more toxic from our dependency on money and the "good life." Now we want even greater power. Some of us began to have epiphanies where God speaks to us. We even imagine God telling us of our new mission in life to save others from the world's tribulations.

Whenever we use  toxic beliefs and values to define a Supreme Being, we fall deeper into confusion and suffering.Most of us remain unaware of our descent  into a new, more pernicious, abyss of psychological toxicity.

This new awareness manipulates our minds to believe education, hard work, and adherence to religious tenets will bring us the completeness or fulfillment missing in our lives.This is the source of our epiphanies.

Many of us  use our minds and societal beliefs and values to give us the confidence we need to change our paths. Unfortunately, in many cases, we use toxic toxic beliefs and values to interpret our epiphanies.

Meanwhile, when we stop trying to use toxic beliefs and values to discover God and change the world, we will begin to understand that God exists only in the clarity of our Powers of Mind. This the path that leads us to the door that opens the portal to our Powers of Mind. 

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