"I acknowledge that I am responsible for the current conditions in my life."
Many of us don't like who we are when things are not as we planned. We become depressed with thoughts of failure and regret. So much so that we try to pray or meditate our problems away.
In many situations it's likely that prayer and meditation will self-motivate us enough to rely on ourselves to solve our own problems. Then, and only then, will some of us understand that prayer and meditation, if used effectively, become the source of a new awareness of being.
Whenever we stop feeling sorry for ourselves or wallowing in self-pity, we undoubtedly will perceive ourselves with sufficient power to overcome the beliefs and values responsible for our awareness of being powerless. Unfortunately, too many of us don't believe that prayer and meditation exist only in our individual minds.
Nevertheless, we are always aware of being something or someone. Most of the time our awareness of being is distorted by the toxic beliefs and values we are using to define ourselves.
The road to our awareness of being enlightened is in our intuitive unconditioned consciousness. This is the awareness of being that provides us with the clarity to know that we're already enlightened.
When we say that we're already enlightenment, it is our way of saying that we were born with enlightenment. And our enlightenment birthright has been squandered on toxic beliefs and values.
It is important for us to remember that Powers of Mind is not power of the toxic mind. It is the awareness of being I AM.
This state of enlightenment consciousness is not limited to the teachings from parents, society, and experience. It is the light we discover after we understand how we created the current conditions in our lives.
Whenever we accept our awareness of being powerless, we continue on the path of searching outside of ourselves for solutions to the conditions in our lives.
Powers of Mind is an inside search. It is the awareness of being that defines our enlightenment. .
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