Friday, April 18, 2014

A New Powers of Mind Perspective

"I acknowledge that I have the power to change my beliefs and values."

In many instances, we become powerless because we have always believed we came from powerless conditions. This unnatural way of thinking is responsible for our dependency on others to liberate our minds of toxic beliefs and values. 

We can change our lives at any time. Regardless of age, race, color, education, religion, or income, we have the power to create a new, more enlightened life for ourselves.

Our current conditions are nothing more than illusions created from our toxic beliefs and values. And these illusions, which we have given life to, exist because we have devalued our own Powers of Mind. This means our problems or illusions are products of our toxic beliefs and values.

Nevertheless, whatever conditions we have in our lives today, we can do something about them. And it begins by reclaiming our power of creativity. We have within our Powers of Mind the limitless power to create an infinite number of lifestyles.

Similarly, there are too many of us who continue to devalue our power. We have become stuck in the psychological mud of powerlessness.

Meanwhile, we have to ask ourselves: Were we born with the power to live freely and successful in this world? Obviously, we were but we are unaware of the existence of this power. Many of us believe it exists only in those we have read or heard about.

One thing we must all remember is that Powers of Mind exists in each individual. And, contrary to popular beliefs and values, this power cannot come from another person.

"I acknowledge that I have the power to change my beliefs and values."

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