Many of us believe we can be reborn again simply by saying it. We even believe rituals are the source of our rebirth.
It's important for us to remember that regardless of our beliefs on being reborn again, we cannot be reborn without losing our attachment to our toxic beliefs and values. This is the idea for being reborn in the first place. And for most us, this requires a lot of work.
Similarly, there are those of us who are spiritually lazy and complacent. We want to change by doing very little work on our minds. We are the ones who fervently espouse rhetoric about being born again to anyone willing to listen to us.
Some of us are so caught up in the "born again" rhetoric that we are unwilling to listen to alternative explanations on this subject. We become angry at the thought of others questioning our spiritual rebirth. Even though others clearly see the dysfunctional behavior in our lifestyle.
For many of us who seek to be spiritually reborn, we are unwilling to accept that we created the toxic behavior that we are seeking to escape. So it's important for us to remind ourselves of this principle:
"I acknowledge that I am responsible for the current conditions in my life."
When we can acknowledge our responsibility for becoming addicted to alcohol, drugs, unhealthy foods, anger, jealousy, pettiness, powerlessness, and believing others have the power to rebirth our minds, we are able to seek alternative awareness for enlightenment. This acknowledgment places the responsibility for rebirth rightfully in our hands.
"I acknowledge that for me to change my beliefs and values (life), I first must be willing to enter into self-discovery."
When we are willing to search for clarity in our minds, we discover Powers of Mind. This is the power we need to be reborn of the spirit or the unconditioned consciousness.
In this consciousness, we remain free of all of our creations or problems. We have the power of being without being anything.
Powers of Mind is not dependent on another person for its existence. It is within all of our minds, which means we choose the way we think and live.
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