Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Powers of Mind is a Revolution of the Mind

Most revolutions are about the overthrow of power or governments. Some of us are in a revolution of the mind to remove our toxic beliefs and values from power.  

We begin this revolution of the mind by arming ourselves with clarity and valor to locate and remove the toxic beliefs and values from our belief system. This means that before we join the revolution of mind, we must be very clear about our commitment to Powers of Mind.  

Similarly, we must willing to overcome our denial about the causes for our powerlessness. We also must be ready to let go of our self-identity that's responsible for devaluing our worthiness to have enlightened minds.

For most of us this is our starting point. This is where we must all begin to do the work necessary for our clarity and power. In other words, this is the starting point for Powers of Mind to guide us into the enlightenment we are born with. 

The revolution of the mind begins with these three principles:

"I acknowledge that I am responsible for the current conditions in my life."

" I acknowledge that my beliefs and values created the conditions in my life."

"I acknowledge that I have the power to change my beliefs and values."

When we can acknowledge and accept that we created the way we think and live, we are then able to change how we think and live. Powers of Mind is the source of all creation in our lives.

We perceive life and ourselves according to the level of our awareness of this great power in our minds. Unfortunately, many of us are so far removed from our Powers of Mind that we are driven by the obsession to saturate our minds with toxic beliefs and values.

Today, we can empower ourselves with the courage to challenge our toxic beliefs and values. We have the opportunity to revolutionize our minds by removing all the beliefs and values distorting our power.

There are too many of us victimized by historical second-hand information. We are too willing to accept, without question, everything told to us by others.

Nevertheless, we want to fit in with others and not make waves. We are constantly fearful that people will perceive us as being different or as threats to the toxic harmony governing all of our behavior.

Well, we must be clear from the outset that Powers of Mind is not about fitting in with the illusions. It is about removing the illusions from our minds and replacing them with enlightened beliefs and values. We don't want our beliefs and values to continue suffocating us.

Meanwhile, change must come from clarity. We cannot change our lives by using toxic beliefs and values. We must gain the clarity from our Powers of Mind to change every aspect of thoughts and actions. When we do this, we are no longer powerless eunuchs waiting on others to liberate our minds.

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