Some of us want to change, but we don't trust our own Powers of Mind.
The more we deny our Powers of Mind, the more we struggle with our authenticity. And when we deny who we are, we confirm our unwillingness to accept ourselves in the present moment.
In other words, we know that we can never exist without confirming our own existence. This means the self-images we have created of ourselves confirm what we think about ourselves and others. This is happening now, not in the past or future times.
Similarly, the enlightenment we believe that only exists in the future is waiting on our clarity to reveal itself to us. Unfortunately, we're currently unable to believe this power already exists in our minds. So we continue to search for its existence within the illusions causing us to doubt our true Powers of Mind.
For us to discover enlightenment, we must free ourselves of the toxic beliefs and values causing us to search outside of our minds for power. The search for power is found within our Powers of Mind. It cannot be found in another person or thing.
Nevertheless, even with our toxic beliefs and values, we are able to experience moments of clarity. Even though these moments are infrequent and of short duration, we do know that they exist in our minds. This is our confirmation that regardless of the circumstances in our lives, we have within us the Powers of Mind to overcome all problems.
During our moments of clarity we briefly forget that we are overwhelmed by problems. We feel there's a way out from our problems. And this way is provided by our own Powers of Mind.
Meanwhile, many of us ignore our moments of clarity because we eschew the consequences of being perceived different by others. We have become too accustomed to living in the darkness of our illusions to trust our Powers of Mind.
Similarly, it's difficult for most of us to even admit we are living in darkness. We believe we can achieve enlightenment by relying on our toxic beliefs and values. After all, we believe all that we can ever know must come from others.
When we learn to trust our Powers of Mind, we will know that our toxic beliefs and values are responsible for the illusions currently expressing themselves as enlightenment. We will also realize that we have not been taught to trust ourselves independently of the beliefs and values used by others to govern our lives.
Powers of Mind exists in all of us. It is found in the clarity that empowers us to know toxic beliefs and values cannot produce enlightenment.
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