Friday, February 4, 2022

Going Beyond Confusion

 I know a place free of confusion. It is Enlightenism. Enlightenism is unconditioned consciousness. 

Enlightenism is colorless, faceless, and formless. No labels identify you by race, color, gender, age, religion, status, and education.

When you doubt consciousness as the greater power, confusion appears in you. When you are confused, you distrust yourself. 

Meanwhile, you restore trust with Enlightenism.  You find it within the mind. This is also where you find clarity. 

 Clarity is the power you need to trust yourself. You need it to understand the results of your actions. 

Whenever you lack clarity, you must rely on others.  Their clarity is not yours. So, you cannot use it to create a new way to think and live. 

If you want the power to create a new person, then discover Enlightenism. It will set you free. 

When Enlightenism is present, the victim disappears. When the victim disappears, you stop asking others for equal rights.

Those who seek freedom must be willing to let go of the powerless mindset. You cannot be a victim and free at the same time. 

The victim has never known freedom. The victim's life is one of searching for it. 

The time for change cries out within you. When you hear the silent sounds, listen. Don't run toward the loud roars of victimization.  

Victimization is a disease of the mind. It's a cesspool of distrust and confusion. The cornerstone of powerlessness. 

The victim's mindset distrusts itself because it's an illusion.  It lacks clarity. 

Meanwhile, Enlightenism is the best solution for healing the mind of victimization.

Purchase my book Enlightenism and learn how to go beyond confusion.

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