Friday, July 19, 2019

The Greater I is Consciousness

"Change your Consciousness, Change your Life"

We don't have to remain powerless, we can do something about it ourselves. We can change our Consciousness and construct a new Awareness-of-Being with toxic-free beliefs and values.

Consciousness is power. It is that which we can change on our own. We don't need permission from others to recondition our consciousness.

The change begins with our current  Awareness-of-Being: The person we believe we are now. This Awareness-of-Being was constructed primarily from others' -- parents and society -- beliefs and values.

Whenever we feel the need to change, we frequently forget that real change begins with our Awareness-of-Being. For this change to occur, we must relinquish our confidence in the sense-certainty of what others taught us. This is quite a hurdle to overcome, because we have deep faith in our current beliefs and values. .

Similarly, we don't want to let go of all the information. We want to keep the parts considered good or virtuous. In other words, we want to change only parts of ourselves so that we remain connected to our foundational beliefs and values.

All change is limited to our Awareness-of-Being. When we accept powerlessness, we seek changes from this prism, which limits the power of imagination and visualization.

The power to change requires a cleansed consciousness: One that has unlearn toxic beliefs and values. If our consciousness has not been properly cleansed, then we will not be able to clearly visualize ourselves with a new Awareness-of-Being.

Unfortunately, many of us know very little about our Consciousness  and how it works as a change agent in our lives. For most of our lives, we have been taught to think of the Greater Power existing outside of us.

We define the Greater I as unconditioned Consciousness that exists in all of us. This Consciousness is whole, perfect, and complete. It's colorless, faceless, and formless and unmoved by the teachings of others.  It is the primordial Awareness-of-Being.

When we discover Consciousness for ourselves, we understand that it's changeable. For us to change it, we first must discover and accept it as the Greater I. This means we must be committed to unlearning what others taught us about the Greater I.

Most of us cannot wrap our minds around unlearning something we already know. Yet that's what required of us if we desire freedom from toxicity.

Meanwhile, the seemingly daunting task of unlearning toxicity loses its power over us when we remember it occurs in our consciousness. This work is not a search for answers from others, but the confirmation that our Consciousness is the Greater I..

"Change your Consciousness, Change your life"

1 comment:

Meditation Unlimited said...

Thanks Malcolm. True Wisdom.