Monday, February 18, 2019

Transmuting Powerlessness Into Power

There is a way to achieve power that's different from what others taught us. It's a simple process similar to Alchemy.  Instead of changing lead into gold like the Alchemist, we are changing a powerless consciousness into one with power.

I have discovered a way to transmute consciousness by using a formula developed after years of extensive research in overcoming victim consciousness. Victim consciousness applies to those who rely on others beliefs and values. This means it transcends societal definitions of race and color.

I  describe a Victim as "One who perceives himself or herself powerless to overcome the conditions in one's life without depending on others for guidance. One who relies on the teachings and beliefs and values of others to define one's purpose for living."

The Enlightenism Formula is created from four Freedoms:
     1,   The Freedom to Create.
     2.   The Freedom to Embody.
     3.   The Freedom of Acceptance.
     4.   The Freedom of Discipline and Action

The Enlightenism Formula works most effectively with a toxic-free mind: One that has unlearn toxic beliefs and values. The process of unlearning is a simple one that begins with the desire to understand the origins of your beliefs and values.

Similarly, the cleansing of the mind produces clarified desires. These are the ones cleansed of toxicity. They are the ones you use to transmute powerlessness into power.

The transmutation process begins and ends within your consciousness. In other words, you are changing one Awareness-of-Being powerless into another one with power.

Meanwhile, as you trust the process of creating a new person or Awareness-of-Being, you discover your power of imagination is freed of its self-imposed toxic limitations.   You are now able to express a miracle in your life, one that seems impossible to those imprisoned in Toxicity. Nevertheless, this is all you need to transmute powerlessness into power.  
                                 "Enlightenism" by "Brother Malcolm" Kelly

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