Most of us, who believe we are powerless and poor, are victims of our own spiritual mediocrity. We're in this state of awareness because of our beliefs and values about the current conditions in our lives.
Spiritual mediocrity means we're comfortable being like others. It means we don't want to be different from others, because of our fears of ostracism. And it also means that we shape our awareness-of-being to fit with what others are doing to achieve enlightenment.
Similarly, our current awareness-of-being imprisons us as victims to the current conditions in our lives. We believe the conditions in our lives have a reality or existence without their creator. We have forgotten that we are the creators of everything in our lives.
We give power to the illusions expressing themselves as problems in our lives. We endow them with greater powers than their creators. And after awhile, we (creators) become powerless to our creations (problems).
Nevertheless, our illusions are nothing more than expressions of our beliefs and values. They change whenever we, their higher power, change our beliefs and values.
Most spiritual poor and powerless people have faith in a higher power because it gives us hope. We have been taught by others to believe we're powerless because we don't have faith in this power. So we pray, meditate, and attend religious worship services to assist us with strengthening our faith in a higher power that's outside of our consciousness.
For many of us, we never achieve the necessary faith to transmute our powerless beliefs and values into ones of enlightenment. So we continue to search vainly for something that we already possess.
The search for enlightenment is an inner one. One that begins and ends in consciousness. It is the awareness-of-being that's greater than spiritual mediocrity.
Meanwhile, there is a way to change our current awareness- of-being; it is Powers of Mind. Powers of Mind, in its pure form, is unconditioned consciousness.
The narrow road of unconditioned consciousness, the one that exists off the crowed one of spiritual mediocrity, is within our consciousness. It is not found among those hoping that one day they will hear the right sermon, speech, or meet the right person who can transform their lives.
When we realize that our enlightenment is not found in another person, we will know that it already exists in us. And with this realization comes the awareness that we must be reborn in consciousness to use this power.
To be reborn again simply means letting go of the toxic beliefs and values and becoming consciousness-of being one with our unconditioned consciousness. Consciousness is nothing more than awareness-of-being without the awareness-of-being something defined by toxic beliefs and values.
The road to enlightenment is one that many of us desire to be on, but few are willing to let go of the toxic baggage (beliefs and values) preventing us from entering onto it. The higher power we pray to is in our own unconditioned consciousness.This power is not found in another person, but in each of us.
Meanwhile, when we decide to stop accepting ourselves as victims of spiritual mediocrity, we can open our consciousness to discover the vast power existing in each of us. And with this power, we can no longer accept our awareness-of-being powerless or victims of others' beliefs and values.
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