Thursday, October 1, 2015

What is Enlightenism?

 "Enlightenism is a holistic philosophy for creating a spiritually healthy life."

Whenever we decide to search for inner-power, we inevitably discover Enlightenism. This is the unconditioned consciousness that provides us with limitless opportunities to overcome what others have taught us.

Many of us don't believe this power exists within us. We continue to believe that it's something that exists outside of us.

We have been taught to believe that we're powerless to overcome our current beliefs and values. And this powerlessness is responsible for us seeking refuge in others' beliefs and values.

Similarly, regardless of how many times we deny that our beliefs and values came from our parents, society, and experience, we cannot deny that we're now claiming them as our own. And we're also unable to deny that we were born into an already created world with its own beliefs and values.

So before we were born, the people here had their own beliefs about God, religion, philosophy, language, science, history, and so on. They simply passed this information on to us. Unfortunately, it was all the information they had to give us.

Nevertheless, this is the information we have used to create our own current awareness-of-being. This is also the information that's preventing us from discovering an alternative perspective to the one taught us by others.

Meanwhile, this unknown alternative perspective is available to us only in our unconditioned consciousness. We discover this perspective within our Enlightenism consciousness.

For us to discover another perspective in Enlightenism, we must first understand the one we're currently using to interpret ourselves and others. This understanding alone is sufficient enough for us to understand consciousness-of-itself.

Nevertheless, when we become clear about the origins of our current beliefs and values, we also become clear about the power we have within us. This power precedes our existence into our current awareness-of-being. This power is Enlightenism.

Enlightenism is the goal of Powers of Mind. It is our awareness-of-being colorless, faceless, and formless. Or as many refer to as being Spirit.

When we accept that our consciousness is colorless, faceless, and formless, then we understand and know that we have the power to become whomever we choose. This is the awareness-of-being that remains unchanged regardless of our beliefs and values.

Enlightenism liberates us from being victimized by societal labels on race, gender, class, religion, and so on. It is all the power we need to overcome the illusions in our lives.

"Enlightenism is a holistic philosophy for creating a spiritually healthy life."

Listen to Malcolm Kelly on blog talk radio
to hear more about Enlightenism

Monday, August 17, 2015

Reconnecting With Our Unconditioned Consciousness

 When we accept that everything we know came from others, then, and only then, can we transcend what we have been taught by others. This is the goal of spiritual transcendence.

All of us who are working on clarity know that we must continue to transcend all of our awareness-of-beings until we reconnect with our unconditioned consciousness. This is the unchangeable, formless, faceless, and colorless consciousness that remains unaffected by the toxic beliefs and values of this world.

For us to transcend our toxic beliefs and values, we must understand that our current awareness-of-being is based on illusions. We must also accept responsibility for having created our current awareness-of-being: The one that's responsible for the current conditions in our lives.

After we accept responsibility for having faith in the illusions, we're able to fashion a clear vision to assist us with transcending them. This vision must be free of the illusions and firmly rooted in our commitment to transcend the beliefs and values from our parents and society.

The road to enlightenment consciousness is a lonely one. So whenever we decide to trust our unconditioned consciousness, we must be willing to let all others go. In other words, we must relinquish our dependency on others to teach us about ourselves.

Many of us are afraid to trust ourselves. We have accepted the societal definitions of power, and its worthy recipients.  It's unfortunate, but most of us believe this means we are unworthy of power.

Nevertheless, at the core of our powerless consciousness, we still crave power. Unfortunately for most of us, devoid of clarity, this craving for power only leads us deeper into the illusions and powerlessness.  

Similarly, the more we crave power, the more we seek it from outside of ourselves. The illusions teach us that God or authentic power is outside of us. It exists only in the manner defined by the illusions.

In other words, we believe that Godlike power means power to rule over others. Most of us accept this illusory interpretation of God as being an accurate description of  God. We have forgotten that our understanding of God comes from our beliefs and values, which come from the illusions.

Meanwhile, regardless of how many times we're told by the enlightened ones  that God is within us, we continue to disbelieve this. We become angry whenever someone says that our unconditioned consciousness is actually God in us.

God is, and remains in our lives as unconditioned consciousness. This unconditioned consciousness exists in all of us. It is the source of our formless, faceless, and colorless awareness-of-being.

For us to discover and connect with our unconditioned consciousness, we must be reborn into it. This means, we must conquer the illusions responsible for separating us from the clarity of our unconditioned consciousness.

Friday, August 7, 2015

"Getting Off The Crowded Road"

Some of us have decided that enough is enough. We believe that by following others we degrade our own power. So we have chosen to get off their crowded road and create a new one for ourselves.

We clearly understand that for us to find ourselves, we must first get off the crowded road. This means we must lose our attachments  to popular beliefs and values. In other words, we must be willing to stop following others and start trusting our own power. 

Nevertheless, the things most of us cherish on the crowded road such as, wealth, status, fame, toxic relationships, and so on, are what prevent us from seeking another path or perspective. These things are the illusions that make it difficult for us to trust the Enlightenism within us.

Similarly, the narrow road, or the less crowded and traveled one, is the one that leads to Enlightenism. This is the spacious path for understanding the development of our awareness-of-being. The Buddhist refer to this as our introduction to:  form, feeling, thought, will, and consciousness as the source of our illusions.

This is also the path that the Christians refer to as being "born again in spirit and in truth." And that this transformation occurs in our unconditioned consciousness; the consciousness that is free of toxic beliefs and values, and sin.

For us to reach this level of consciousness, the awareness-of-being enlightened, we must first free our consciousness from the beliefs and values we acquired on the crowded road. This rebirth in consciousness is all we need to express our purpose for being in this world.

Similarly, for those who are willing to let go and seek enlightenment within our unconditioned consciousness, we are the ones who will discover the path and travel on it. This is the path paved with the thoughts and actions of our enlightened predecessors.

Many of us disbelieve in unconditioned consciousness. We believe our conditioned consciousness, the one developed from the toxic beliefs and values of others, is the only awareness-of-being available to us.

In other words, we believe our brain and consciousness are the same. Unfortunately, this belief system imprisons us in a web of illusions. And it is our beliefs in illusions that keep us on the crowded road.

Meanwhile, regardless of how many times we hear about unconditioned consciousness and spirit, we continue to believe it exists in our brain or mind. We cannot fathom a perspective beyond the archaic philosophical dictum: "I think, therefore I exist."

Some of us understand that existence is awareness-of-being. And this means we can choose to exist with clarity and power or with dogma and powerlessness. Both of these perspectives come from our thoughts.

Enlightenism is beyond thinking in the traditional sense. It is the awareness-of-being without toxic beliefs and values, and the thoughts produced from them

Monday, July 20, 2015

Discovering What we Don't Know

Most of us already believe what we have been taught by others. This makes us quite comfortable with our beliefs and values.

This reliance on our beliefs and values also inextricably tie us to societal labels of race, religion, gender, status, and so forth. And once we have completely embodied these toxic labels, we're unable to envision ourselves being anything other than what we have been taught to be.

Many of us also give power to the labels. We treat them as if they are reality or something divinely created. And as we give more and more power to the labels, we give less and less power to ourselves.

After awhile we accept ourselves according to the labels. This acceptance only strengthens our toxic beliefs and values power over us. And it also plunges us deeper into powerlessness and dependency on others for clarity.

In our efforts to escape from what we have created, we limit our search to the familiar; that what others  teach us about the unknown consciousness. Unfortunately, others nearly always direct  to the Decalogue or similar precepts,  to assist us with our efforts to escape the suffering from our toxic beliefs and values.

The problems we face with trusting what others teach us is that they, themselves, are teaching what others taught them. And these fallacious teaching modalities continue ad infinitum without any of us ever being able to see the original documents or their creators.

Nevertheless, when we unlearn what others have taught us and accept that Enlightenism is our awareness-of-being, we enter into the realm of consciousness that is unknown to our parents and society. It is unknown to them because if they were aware of it, then we would have already been taught something that is known to all of us.

Enlightenism is the unknown consciousness. It is the unconditioned consciousness that answers only to itself. And as such, it has no barriers to its awareness-of-being or I Am.

When we enter into the realm of the unknown consciousness, then we understand that societal labels are nothing but human illusions or things we makeup in our efforts to understand ourselves and others. We also discover in Enlightenism consciousness that God (and the numerous other names used to describe the divine Creator) is different from what we have been taught by our parents and society.

The God that is present in our current awareness-of-being comes from our parents and society. This God is not born outside of our illusions, but come from them.

While we might revel in astonishment and soak our minds with effusive dosage of accolades about the wonderment of the ontological arguments for the existence of God, we must not lose sight of the fact that these arguments were not based on personal experience. They were philosophical attempts to define a power that was unknown to them.

For us to discover the unconditioned God, (the one not created by humans) we must search within our Enlightenism consciousness for the answers. There are no shortcuts for us to take.  And in a sense, everything returns to the Enlightened One who said, "We must be born again."

This rebirth is not a ritual or verbal affirmation of faith, it is a rebirth in consciousness. We must let go of all that we have received from our parents and society, and then seek unity with our unconditioned consciousness. 

Meanwhile, this entire process takes place in our consciousness. It is the letting go of our toxic awareness-of-being, and claiming our new awareness-of-being to be Enlightenism.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Enlightenism Transcends What Others Have Taught Us About our Purpose

At some point in our lives we become curious about our purpose. This curiosity usually occurs during moments of intense self-doubts. 

Whenever we become curious about what's happening in our lives, we are usually willing to engage ourselves in self-discovery. This means we want to know more about ourselves, particularly our actions.

Enlightenism self-discovery means understanding the origins of our beliefs and values, which are responsible for our actions. This is an entirely different process than educating ourselves to conform to a prototypical person that others have created for us.

 Nevertheless, most of us have already accepted that our purpose is to do something great to make the world a better place for us to live. We have endowed ourselves with spiritual beliefs and judgments about how this world should be.

We want everyone to live in a magically-created peaceful world. And in this world, we will have somehow eradicated all the toxicity causing us not to be peaceful.

In other words, we desire a peace that's alien to our own awareness-of-being. We have forgotten that the world cannot teach us something that it doesn't possess. So if we desire peace, then we must first discover and express it within our own lives.

For many of us, our peaceful quest must begin by our understanding that we are responsible for the current conditions in our lives. Moreover, we acquired our beliefs and values from our parents and society. And if we desire to discover beliefs and values of our own, we must be willing to let go of what they taught us.

Most of us love our parents and don't want to blame them for teaching us toxic beliefs and values. We want to keep them in their parental apogee position, which separates them from us. For us to do something otherwise, would attack and devalue all the sacrifices they made for us.

 This is difficult for many of us to understand, especially when we use our toxic minds to do so. This understanding only occurs in our Enlightenism unconditioned consciousness.

It is in this consciousness that our toxic judgments are transmuted into clarity. We no longer blame or become angry at those who taught us according to their awareness-of-being.

This doesn't mean that some of us are greater or more powerful than others, it simply means we have the power to stop our own spiritual evolution. We can choose to maintain the beliefs and values taught us by others or choose to let them go and pursue others within our unconditioned consciousness.

It's important for us to remember that Enlightenism is where we discover a theosophical awareness-of-being. This is an awareness-of-being that enlightens us to understand God, spirituality, religion, nature, and so forth that's free of toxic distortions.

Enlightenism consciousness is where we stop prescribing anthropomorphic qualities to others whom we believe are greater than us. This is the consciousness where our spiritual hubris dies.

Enlightenism is the immanent awareness-of-being of all of our purposes.  It contains not only our purpose, but it frees us from the toxic beliefs and values that others taught us. 


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Understanding our Relationship With Illusions

When we're unaware of something, we don't do anything about it. Most of us are unaware that our lives are controlled by illusions. And since we don't recognize illusions as illusions, we continue to try and change something that doesn't actually exist.

There are all sorts of programs pitched by self-help gurus that offer us ways to change our lives. And many of us who participate in them become immersed in a web of illusions.

In our insatiable quest for sense-certainty and truth, we try to use illusions to satisfy this hunger. After many tries and failures, we continue to listen to others in hopes of our discovering this elusive truth.

This type of commitment makes us intransigent to explore the depths of our unconditioned consciousness. Unfortunately, most of us also believe this consciousness is an  illusion.

For us to understand that our unconditioned consciousness is not an illusion, we first must understand our own existence. This means we must understand the development process of the Self  and its relationship with our illusions. 

Similarly, it's our willingness to understand how we became aware-of-being this person that will ultimately  lead us to Enlightenism. And with our Enlightenism consciousness we will clearly understand that we created our Self or awareness-of-being from toxic beliefs and values.

We will also understand that most, if not all, of the beliefs and values we believe in were created from illusions. They were manufactured by others to meet the supply and demand we have for sense-certainty or truth.So they provided us with the beliefs and values to assuage our demands for the truth.

Most of us have embodied the sense-certainty beliefs and values from others. This means that the truth exists only in the illusions or in the things we create from them.

Similarly, if we are born of this world, the one controlled by illusions, then we are ourselves illusions.  In other words, the Self that we're aware of being was conditioned by the toxic beliefs and values we received from our parents and society.

This awareness is difficult for most of us to accept.Nevertheless, whenever we become aware of the Enlightenism consciousness within us, we then have the power to overcome what others have taught us. We can use this consciousness to create a new Self.

With Enlightenism we have power to be "born again." This rebirth occurs in our consciousness and is not controlled by our illusions.

This new Self, created from a colorless, formless, and faceless awareness-of-being, has the power to transform our conditioned consciousness (Self)  into an awareness-of-being that has power over our illusions.

Moreover, this is the power and clarity we need to understand that our unconditioned consciousness is the beginning and end of all of our awareness-of-beings. It is the truth about the Creator (unconditioned consciousness) of all of our awareness-of-beings.

It's important for us to remember that while we're not alone in this world, we're also not powerless. Our power comes from our unconditioned consciousness. This consciousness is greater than the one we conditioned to become one with our illusions.

Meanwhile, when we're able to understand our relationship with our illusions, then we're able to understand that Enlightenism is greater than the Self or our conditioned awareness-of-being. It is the only power we have to be "born again" and ourselves from our illusions.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Enlightenism Exists Beyond Prayer and Meditation

Whenever our mind and consciousness conflict, we become confused about our awareness-of-being. And in most circumstances, we will choose our mind or intellect over our consciousness.

Many of us talk freely and  speak forceful and authoritatively on consciousness. We even go so far as to believe we can pinpoint the exact location of consciousness within us. Unfortunately, when we make this  claim, we're unaware that it comes from our intellect.

Similarly, many of us believe that consciousness is an extension of our mind. That its existence is dependent solely on our intellect. And if the brain or intellect is limited, then so is our consciousness.

Many of us who are victimized by toxic beliefs and values believe consciousness and intellect are one, but intellect is greater than consciousness. Some of us also believe that our consciousness created our intellect and endowed it with the power to absorb, interpret, and express ideas and other forms of information.

Similarly, we also believe that for consciousness and intellect to become one, our intellect must first acknowledge its creator. And once this acknowledgement is made, then seek to cleanse itself of everything it has learned from others about consciousness. 

This means we must understand the art of prayer and meditation from a consciousness perspective. So whenever we pray to a higher power, we must ensure we're using our consciousness rather than our intellect.

This existential perspective on differentiation between consciousness and intellectual perspicuity is crucial to how we define our awareness-of-being in prayer and meditation. When our awareness-of-being is consciousness, then we are aware of having power. However, when  our awareness-of-being is our intellect, then we are aware of being powerless.

The significance of us defining our awareness-of-being before engaging in prayer and meditation determines the nature of our prayers and meditations. This clarity changes the entire need for prayer and meditation.

When our desires are intellectually driven, we seek understanding from outside of ourselves. This means our prayers and meditations are driven by desires for a greater power source to assist us with something we have created from our own toxic beliefs and values.

Similarly, it's also important to remember that we learned about prayer and meditation from others. They taught us to use them as tools to connect with God or a higher power existing outside of us. We were taught to use these tools whenever we became overwhelmed by beliefs of lack, limitation, struggle, doubt, and so on.

Meanwhile, none of these beliefs exists in Enlightenism consciousness.They only exist within our intellect.

Nevertheless, when we understand that our consciousness is greater than our intellect, we will have begun the process to go beyond our current beliefs and values. We will have discovered the Enlightenism consciousness within us.

Enlightenism consciousness is formless, faceless, and colorless. This consciousness doesn't contain within itself any of the toxic beliefs and values we're using in our prayers and meditation. It is beyond everything we have learned about ourselves, others, and the external world.

Enlightenism is the rebirth that Christ, Buddha, and other enlightened individuals taught on how to go beyond our toxic beliefs and values. And every individual who discovers this glorious truth knows that consciousness is greater than everything we have been taught by others.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Enlightenism Consciousness is Authentic Change

Most of us never change. And in a real sense, we don't know how to change. We just continue to follow our illusions from one awareness-of-being to another one.

Similarly, some of us change our behavior without changing our core beliefs and values. We do this by changing our allegiance to a different illusion. This is analogous to our changing from a political party, a religion, a social view, or any other types of illusions available to us.

Nevertheless, when we do feel the desire to change, most of us are then willing to at least listen to something different than our current beliefs and values. This usually happens after a failure or some type of calamity in our lives such as, death, illness, unemployment, divorce, bankruptcy, and so on.

The moment we realize that consciousness, Enlightenism consciousness, is limitless power, then we're in the position to change our lives. This is the awakening that's necessary for us to understand the process for change.

When I wrote "Seeds from the Ashes," I felt a burning desire to change my life. I wanted to know why I had reached a point in my life that caused me to doubt my worthiness to go beyond my current awareness-of-being. 
      "The desire to change is a powerful force that you must reckon with if you want to change the way you think, act, work, and live. The undercurrent of power producing your desires connects you with a much higher power (Enlightenism). If you search for this power, it will not only transform your life, it will lead you to your unconditioned, uncluttered, intuitive consciousness (Enlightenism): a place where all things are possible. Unfortunately, far too many people believe this consciousness (Enlightenism) exists outside of them." ---Seeds from the Ashes

Many of us continue to ignore our desires. We cherry-pick them with our doubts and fears. Yet, they belong to us. They represent our current feelings on life.

      "Whenever you feel powerless to do something that you want to do, stop and ask yourself why. Why don't you have the power to achieve the things that you desire to have? The obvious answer is that you don't believe you are strong enough to achieve them. If this is the case, then the solution to your problem is attaining the necessary strength or power to solve your problem." ---Seeds from the Ashes

Most of us envision our changes based on the illusions we inherited from our parents, society and experience. We haven't discovered the Enlightenism consciousness within us. So whatever changes we create from our beliefs and values, we validate this as change.

Meanwhile, since the illusions are not reality, whatever changes we make in our lives using them as our power source only dooms us to make more and more of the same changes. In other words, we are working in the dark using a heuristic process to make our changes.

Nevertheless, when we finally understand that consciousness is our awareness-of-being, we will then know that Enlightenism consciousness is the only possible way for us to make authentic changes -- ones without relying on toxic beliefs and values -- in our lives. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Enlightenism is Beyond our Illusions

Many of us believe our mind and consciousness are the same. We have forgotten that our consciousness existed before our minds. And before we became aware of being a self, we existed as a formless, colorless, and faceless consciousness.

Enlightenism is the awareness-of-being beyond sense-certainty or the empirical interpretations of ourselves and others. Even though we rely on sense-certainty to develop our understanding of the world, this process is not free of its illusory creator. And, unfortunately, it only makes us more dependent on what we have been taught by others.

Nevertheless, whenever we decide to abandon our three-dimensional-spatiotemporal perspective of the world, we are able to travel deeper into the fourth dimensional time continuum of spaciousness without form and toxic beliefs and values. This is the awareness-of-being where we are able to discover The Creator or the unconditioned consciousness.

In the Enlightenism realm, we are beyond the powers of our parents, society, and the toxic experiences we're using to define our awareness-of-being. This is the realm where we have authentic power and clarity.

Enlightenism consciousness is what Jesus, the Enlightened One that many of us refer to as the Son, meant by "to lose yourself is to find yourself." In other words, we must lose our attachment to our current awareness-of-being and transform it into our natural awareness-of-being, which is Enlightenism consciousness.

With our Enlightenism consciousness, then we understand the meaning "The Father and I are one, but the Father is greater than I."

In other words, the unconditioned consciousness (Father) is greater than the conditioned consciousness (Son). It is only when the Son (conditioned consciousness) becomes one with the unconditioned consciousness (Father) that the Son has all of the Father's (unconditioned consciousness) power.

For us to experience this great power within us, we must be willing to give up or let go of all of our beliefs and values. And when we do, we will discover  our formless, colorless, and faceless awareness-of-being to be  our unconditioned consciousness. 

Nevertheless, when we realize that The Creator, our unconditioned consciousness,  communicates to us within our Enlightenism consciousness, then we will understand the Creator exists in all of us. But for us to effectively understand the language of our unconditioned consciousness, we must be "born-again" or condition our awareness-of-being to exist in this Enlightenism consciousness.

This means we must let  our toxic beliefs and values (Mind) die so that we can recreate ourselves from a colorless, faceless, and formless awareness-of-being (Consciousness). This is the awareness-of-being where transcendence becomes our awareness-of-being immanent.

Similarly, we haven't yet discovered how to teach someone about consciousness. We cannot teach others that which we don't possess ourselves. Only those of us who have discovered the Enlightenism consciousness within us can discuss it as we discuss mathematics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, physics, science, and so on.

Meanwhile, our minds exist for this transcendent, three-dimensional spatiotemporal world. This is where others teach us how to use our minds to live in a self-created world of illusions.  We should not confuse this process with Enlightenism

Monday, June 1, 2015

Enlightenism is Authentic Power

Many of us believe we're powerless because others have taught us to think this way. We have immersed ourselves into a powerless, self-created world of illusions, and don't even know it. 

While we're immersed in our illusions we're unwilling to search for enlightened perspectives. We're too willing to believe that our collective illusions contain all the power we can ever achieve.

Fortunately, some of us have been willing to search for another perspective. And we have found it in Enlightenism; the Powers of Mind self-awareness consciousness

This Enlightenism perspective exists  in all of our individual consciousness. It is our awareness-of-being that comes from our unconditioned-intuitive-consciousness. 

Regardless of the current state of our powerlessness, Enlightenism is a power greater than the illusions currently creating our beliefs and values about power.

Nevertheless, when we are powerless, it's difficult to think about another perspective. Our attention is focused primarily on surviving with the power we have. In other words, how to live successfully as powerless victims in our own illusions.

Similarly, we live in a society that demands self-abnegation of consciousness for the greater good of society. This means the powerless must remain powerless in order for our society to remain free for all of us. This means we must do whatever we can to obey the laws - just or unjust - so that our way of life continues.

Many of us, particularly those labeled as black by society, are uncomfortable with the positions society have created for us. We want more. We want change. We want power. And most importantly, we are working to redefine our awareness-of-being.

Some of us have discovered that Enlightenism is devoid of societal labels of race, gender, class, religion, and so on. Our starting point in overcoming powerlessness and victimization is to understand that our awareness-of-being is colorless, faceless, and formless. And with this awareness we're able to create a new, enlightened awareness-of-being to perceive ourselves and others without societal toxic beliefs and values.

With Enlightenism we clearly know that our beliefs and values are responsible for the illusions in our lives. We know that consciousness contains within it the expression of authentic power. This power of clarity gives us all the power we need to overcome our reliance on illusions.

The illusions make all of us powerless regardless of our awareness-of-being of a certain race, gender, class, religion, and so on. Unfortunately, many of us don't understand how the illusions control what we think about ourselves and others.

Nevertheless, at our current awareness-of-being powerless, we can still do something about overcoming the illusions causing our powerlessness.  With Enlightenism we can overcome our toxic beliefs and values and express the authentic power that's already within us.

Enlightenism  begins and ends in our consciousness. It's not found in a place, thing or person. It is God, not the man-made God, within our consciousness. It's not God in another place, away from us. It is in us now while we're alive in this world.

Moreover, as long as we believe great power exists only outside of us, then we cannot discover and use the Enlightenism that's in us. All great power exists as consciousness. We have this power in us now. And it's all the power we need to live with clarity in this world.

Enlightenism is greater than the beliefs and values created by this world. Enlightenism is greater than the illusions we're chasing in our search for power. Enlightenism is authentic power.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Enlightenism is the Consciousness of Change

Most of us desire some type of change. We constantly seek changes to improve the conditions in our lives. Unfortunately, the changes we desire don't ever happen in the manner we desire to see them.

Whenever we desire to bring something into our lives, we must ensure that we're not using toxic beliefs and values. This means we must do the work on our consciousness before we begin working to bring such and such into our lives.

Many of the desires we seek will plunge us deeper into confusion and feelings of inadequacy. And the greater our confusion, the less clarity we have to understand what type of thing we have brought into our lives.

During our moments of great confusion, we have the opportunity to seek awareness from a different source than the one we are using to create the confusion. It's during our moments of great pain and confusion that we're desperate for something or someone to help us.

 This is our moment of awakening. It's our opportunity to understand that our awareness-of-being begins and ends in our consciousness. Regardless of how hard we try to blame others for having taught us to become victims of their beliefs and values, we're still the ones responsible for our consciousness.

Our responsibility to consciousness is to understand that it belongs exclusively to us. We have the responsibility of transformation. We have the responsibility to stop believing in our self-created illusions. 

When we accept our self-created illusions as reality, we inhibit our consciousness from expressing its authentic awareness-of-being colorless, faceless, and formless. We must then do the work to create another awareness-of-being that's not born from the beliefs and values of others. In other words, we must create the clarity to understand that our consciousness is greater than all the college degrees in the world.

Similarly, it's our reliance on societal beliefs and values on education, religion, materialism, right and wrong behavior, and so on that makes us dependent on illusions. We believe the more we learn from others the greater our awareness-of-being.

Many of of us are unaware that we're victims of consciousness plagiarism. We believe our perceptions of things (people and objects) are accurate descriptions of things as they are. Unfortunately, these are the beliefs that cause us to become lost in our own illusions.

Similarly, once we accept what others have taught us, especially about consciousness, we don't believe we possess within our own consciousness any awareness greater than the one we are using to define ourselves and others.

Meanwhile, this new breakthrough in Enlightenism changes the consciousness paradigm. We're now able to transform our consciousness to a colorless, faceless, and formless awareness-of-being. This is the awareness-of-being that perceives things as they are, without the toxic distortion from our illusions.

Nevertheless, change remains difficult for all of us. It's difficult because we don't possess sufficient clarity to know what we're trying to change. Our illusions have tricked us into believing that we're always going to be inadequate, and in search of something to make us feel better about ourselves.

Enlightenism is the clarity we need to know that we 're created adequate in our consciousness. Our  feelings of being inadequate come from what others have taught us about ourselves and others. This means our search for adequacy and completeness is nothing more than an illusion.

Meanwhile, the desire for change begins and ends in our consciousness. Fortunately, we have the power of Enlightenism within us to transform our victimized consciousness.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Transcendence of Victim Consciousness With Enlightenism

Many of us cannot fathom ourselves as victims. It's a dirty word. It's unsavory. It's despicable, and yet it's the essence of the awareness-of-being we created from toxic beliefs and values.

We become victims by borrowing others' beliefs and values. This creates an indebtedness in our consciousness, which makes us dependent on toxic beliefs and values to satisfy this debt.

Most of us are unaware of  having created a debt-value consciousness.  We accepted the loans (toxic beliefs and values) willingly from our parents and society. And without any awareness of our actions, we mortgaged our clarity of consciousness to toxic beliefs and values.

Nevertheless, regardless of our awareness, we continue to mortgage our consciousness by allowing others to place more and more liens (illusions)  on it. Unfortunately, as our indebtedness grows, so do the illusions.

This conditioning process of descending our consciousness into the illusions creates a toxic, symbiotic relationship with victimization and powerlessness. Our illusions have now become our reality, and our reality has become our illusion. And as the Buddhist say: we give them form, feeling, thought, will, and consciousness.

When we realize that consciousness is the beginning and end of all of our awareness-of-being, then we can   stop mortgaging it to others. We will clearly know that our toxic beliefs and values are the cause of our victimization.

Most victims are too embedded with powerless beliefs and values to reflect on the value of consciousness. We're too consumed by the demands of day-to-day survival to explore other perspectives on consciousness. We believe consciousness is another form of  the depravity we have embodied in victimization.

Similarly, we're too preoccupied with "making it" to engage in philosophical exercises on consciousness. We believe consciousness is make-believe; something people use to trick us and make us stop believing in our illusions.

We are convinced that our illusions are real and powerful. We're also convinced that whatever problems we cannot solve ourselves, there is a higher power that will solve them for us.

Meanwhile, since we are victims of our own illusions, we have forgotten that the "higher power" concept came initially from others. We were taught beliefs and values that gave us an escape from the responsibility to solve all of our own problems, particularly, since we created them with our actions. 

In other words, we believe we can create problems, but we don't have the power to solve them. These are the toxic beliefs and values devaluing our awareness-of-being enlightened. They are the distortions created by our illusions.

Some of us understand that we are the creators of our awareness-of-being. This means we are powerless because we choose to condition our consciousness to express an awareness-of-being powerless. We also  understand that we have the power to condition our consciousness to create a new awareness-of-being where we're able to express power.

When we understand that Enlightenism  is Powers of Mind consciousness, then we'll understand that we can never become aware of ourselves as victims or powerless. This consciousness doesn't contain illusions or toxic beliefs and values.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Enlightenism to Create Another Perspective

Sometimes our consciousness becomes complacent. These are the times when we begin to relax in suffering, and refuse to go deeper into our consciousness for the power of transformation.

During our moments of complacency it's important for us to remember that because we're unaware of something doesn't mean it's unavailable to us. It means we're unwilling to search within our consciousness for the unknown and make it the known.

Most of us learn to live in our consciousness of complacency. We fight gallantly to keep our toxic beliefs and values. And in many cases, we even believe the toxicity is the solution or clarity we need to change the conditions in our lives.

In other words, we are closed to new ideas. We're too heavily invested in our toxic beliefs and values to search for another perspective. 

Some of us even go so far as to deny all ideas outside the scope of our beliefs and values. We believe that what we have been taught by our parents, society, and experience represent all the power we can have achieve. In other words, this society contains within it the sum of all possible awareness-of-being for us to embrace.

Similarly, many of us have encapsulated our minds in beliefs and values that are illusions about who we are. Unfortunately, the realness of the illusions prevent us from even trying to discover another perspective. And it's our doubts about ourselves that make us powerless or victims of others' beliefs and values.   

Nevertheless, when we get off the crowded road of toxic beliefs and values, we begin to understand that the only authentic power in this world is consciousness. It is our individual consciousness that determines how we perceive ourselves and others.

Meanwhile, while we succumb to our illusions about our awareness-of-being we fall prey to two of the most powerful illusions of race and religion. Our use of race and religion to guide us to enlightenment is a powerful illusion.

This awareness-of-being of such and such religion and racial group prevents us from perceiving ourselves and others without toxic distortions. Unfortunately it doesn't matter which race or religion we embrace, it still becomes our stumbling block to enlightenment.

Similarly, when we realize our consciousness is the Creator in us, we're able to understand that no other person can give us our consciousness or power for that matter. And it's when we become one with the Creator (our unconditioned consciousness) in us that we're able to free ourselves from the toxic prison we have created for ourselves in this society.

Meanwhile, we can do something about this toxicity. Some of us have discovered that Enlightenism is the Powers of Mind consciousness that frees us from our powerlessness and beliefs that society have taught us about ourselves and others.

For some of us on the enlightenment road, we understand that Enlightenism is  the not-yet-discovered consciousness that precedes and is greater than our current awareness-of-being

Friday, April 17, 2015

Cleansing our Consciousness with Enlightenism

 Consciousness is always power. It contains within itself the expression of power. Unfortunately it accepts, without question, whatever we confirm to it as being our awareness-of-being.

Many of us are aware of being powerless because we have conditioned our consciousness to accept powerless beliefs and values. This acceptance of ourselves as being powerless makes us powerless. 

When we devalue our consciousness with powerless beliefs and values, we are no longer capable of discovering another perspective. We can only be who we are aware of being. And regardless to what others tell us about inner-power, God, and spirituality, we remain powerless.

Nevertheless, this powerless awareness-of-being doesn't stop us from desiring power. Even in moments of great pain and suffering, we seek ways to obtain power. Most powerless people seek power from others rather than believing power actually exist within them.,

Similarly, people who believe they are powerless also believe they are victims of others' power. This means that many of us believe society and its surrogates are somehow endowed with powers greater than out own.

We must remain mindful that consciousness is power and all other power is illusory. This is illustrated by slavery of all types: physical, wages, psychological, spiritual, and so forth.. For people to become slaves, they first must condition their consciousness that their awareness-of-being is that of a slave.

Similarly, this conditioning of consciousness works the same in all of our lives. Our consciousness must be conditioned to accept our awareness-of-being as powerless before we actually become powerless.

Meanwhile, when we cleanse our consciousness of the toxic beliefs and values it's using to create our powerless awareness-of-being, we're then able to understand the power of our consciousness. And it is from this perspective that we understand the difference between the man-made God and the unconditioned consciousness God.

Whenever we decide to use Enlightenism consciousness to create a new awareness-of-being, one that's endowed with power, then we will understand that God is actually in each of us. In other words, we already possess within our consciousness all the power we need to cleanse ourselves of toxic beliefs and values. 

Consciousness is power. Powerlessness is an illusion. They become one when we unite them with our beliefs and values as well as our awareness-of-being.

***Enlightenism is a breakthrough in Powers of Mind spirituality and transcendent consciousness. Learn more about Enlightenism ***

Monday, April 6, 2015

Opening the Doors of Consciousness

Our consciousness is the beginning and ending of all of our awareness-of-being. We exist because we're aware of our existence.

This means we are fully cognizant of who we are now. It also means we're capable of  knowing that we're  responsible for the current conditions in our lives.

Most of us have not reached the level of awareness where we're able to fully accept responsibility for what's happening in our lives. We continue to focus on our interactions with others and try to assign culpability to them. 

When we're enlightened enough to understand that our problems are caused by our beliefs and values, then we will know that we must work to change them. This requires a new perspective: a new awareness-of-being that is independent of what others have taught us.

Most of us are intrinsically dependent on the beliefs and values we acquired from our parents and society. We've conditioned our consciousness into accepting that we are of such and such race, color, gender, nationality, religion, status, and so on.

Unfortunately, these beliefs and values are responsible for our current awareness-of-being. In other words, we have accepted ourselves and others according to what others have taught us.

Nevertheless, we continue to reshape our consciousness to satisfy our insatiable thirst for happiness or worthiness.In many situations, we're willing to tell ourselves that the even the drudgery of monotonous work fulfills our need for happiness and worthiness.

This type of reasoning locks us into a toxic awareness-of-being. And it's from this prism of toxicity that we attempt to create an enlightened consciousness.

When we reach the point of recognizing that our unconditioned consciousness contains with it the limitless expressions of awareness-of-being, we will then understand that we were born with this power. We will also know that there are many doors within this consciousness.

This means that behind each door is enlightenment. And for us to unlock the doors, we need a Powers of Mind consciousness or a toxic free consciousness.

Meanwhile, when we understand that Powers of Mind consciousness is the toxic mind cleanser, we will have found the keys that open all the doors. And when we open the doors, we will understand that the Creator and Heaven exists in our unconditioned consciousness.

We will also understand that the Bible and many other spiritual books were written from an Eastern perspective, which means our Western perspective frequently lacks the clarity to fully understand its psychological symbolism.

In other words, we're using our Western perspective to explain the relationship between the Father (unconditioned consciousness) and the Son (conditioned consciousness). However, for us to fully understand its symbolism, we must be reborn in our Powers of Mind consciousness.

Similarly, this Powers of Mind consciousness will provide us with the clarity to understand the psychological expressions used by the writers of the Synoptic Scriptures. We will understand why they used symbolism to close the doors to all those who have not cleared their consciousness of toxic beliefs and values.

It's important for us to remember that our unconditioned consciousness exists in absolute time, and is not limited to the spatiotemporal awareness we use to evaluate our lives. This means we can achieve spiritual transcendence in our own lives.

We must continue to reinforce within ourselves that we have the Powers of Mind consciousness to go beyond everything we have been taught by others. And to never doubt that this theosophic awareness-of-being is found only in our own unconditioned consciousness.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Achieving a Powers of Mind Education

 When we're able to accept that consciousness is greater than our current awareness-of-being, then we are able to explore other perspectives currently unknown to us.

Some of us are already aware that there are major differences between spiritual awareness and sense-certainty. Although most of us currently rely on sense-certainty to make sense of what's happening in our lives and in the world, we continue to struggle with our own unknown feelings of "something is missing" in our lives.

We have been taught by others that what's missing in our lives is spirituality or the faith and believe in God, or in a greater power than all of us.  However, they also teach us that spirituality is achieved in a psyche-morphogenetic process that's similar to the one we experienced with our sense-certainty education.

In other words, our spiritual education comes from the myriad religious organizations beliefs and values on spirituality. This is the world's answer to that "something is missing" feeling we cannot escape by relying on our sense-certainty beliefs and values.

Most of us remain confused throughout our lives about the value of a sense-certainty education viz a viz a spiritual education.  We devote tireless energies toward maintaining the requisite religious-spiritual virtues for achieving a desirable level of spiritual acceptability.

As many of us have discovered, that "something is missing" feeling is still there even as we struggle to live virtuous lives. We're still challenged by our anthropomorphic beliefs that our feelings have been assuaged by such and such person or religious beliefs.

Nevertheless, we continue inexorably in our search for the "something is missing." We have been told many stories about where and what it is, and when we can actually find it. In most of the stories, we can only find this "missing" in death. 

Many us find this unacceptable. We need to find it now. We try all sorts of things to make us feel spiritually fulfilled. Unfortunately, most of efforts are in vain.

The challenge for many of us is how do we give equal value to spirituality (faith) and sense-certainty (knowledge). This is difficult for most of us because faith is contradictory to sense-certainty. Faith requires a belief in something that exists outside of our current awareness-of-being.

Similarly, sense-certainty is confined to things like science, mathematics, language, art, and so forth. And while this also requires some faith or trust in what others have said about these things, we believe that there's little doubt that 1+1=2. Our dependency on faith doesn't enter into our thinking about this.

Meanwhile, faith is rooted in the belief that there is a power that's greater than all other powers. Most of us believe this existence with the same faith-certainty as with our sense-certainty that 1+1 = 2.

Nevertheless, when we get off the crowded road of sense-certainty and discover that Powers of Mind consciousness is greater than sense-certainty is when we begin the process of a new education. This education is found only in our consciousness, which is the beginning and ending of our awareness-of-being.

Many of us are so deeply invested in sense-certainty that we're unwilling to acknowledge that we've made a deleterious investment in our spiritual development. This makes it even more difficult to let go of our current beliefs and values and create a new, non-toxic awareness-of-being.

For us to become educated in Powers of Mind consciousness we must acknowledge its existence. We must trust consciousness with the same or greater value as we trust the sense-certainty we achieved from the various universities.

When we discover that consciousness is greater than everything we can imagine, we will have discovered the glorious awareness spoken by the sages and spiritual masters of consciousness. And like them, we too will be educated by our unconditioned consciousness.

"I acknowledge that I have the power to change my beliefs and values."

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Consciousness Beyond Toxic Beliefs and Values

The current conditions in our lives affect our awareness-of-being. These conditions or problems are expression of our beliefs and values. They are the ones we acquired from others -- parents, society, and experience -- and the culprits responsible for our problems.

As far as we can determine, we're never completely free of our beliefs and values. We are always left with some toxic residue. This means we are always working in a perpetual state of toxic cleansing of our consciousness.

We are able, however, to remove enough toxicity to perceive ourselves and others without toxic distortions. This clarity is available to us whenever we desire to unlearn or transcend the beliefs and values that others taught us. In other words, we can participate in moments of clarity that are not dominated by our illusions.

The world that we know comes from what others have taught us. We believe in the sacrosanctity of language, religion, science, mathematics, family, education, and so forth, because others taught us to think and act according to these beliefs and values. And after awhile, we accept them as the only way for us to interpret ourselves, others, and the world.

Similarly, what do we really know about people we haven't interacted with? Not much. This means we are required to trust people who are either untrustworthy, dishonest or ignorant. And from our own personal experiences, we know that most people deliberately deceive themselves and others for their own self-aggrandizement.

We become so attached our beliefs and values that we're afraid to examine them. For example, many of us are afraid to discuss God. We get really agitated when this subject is introduced. Whenever God is discussed, we begin to claim that we know God because of the personal relationship we have with The Creator.

We continue ad-nauseam with stories of how God helped us overcome difficulties in our lives. Some of us even go so far as to claim that God "called us" to preach to others. Nevertheless, we have all sorts of explanations to support our beliefs in God.

Let's discuss God. What do we know personally about God that we didn't learn from others. Do we know where God is at this moment in time. Where exactly is Heaven? Have our Scientists discovered Heaven in the universe? Is Heaven our permanent home. Have we been there before? If so, then it's temporary, because now we're in this world. 

So what all this means is that we must have faith in what others teach us. We must believe they possess some spiritual powers that are absent in us. What is clear in this discussion is that the human-created God of Augustine, Aquinas, Kierkegaard, Whitehead, the spiritual writers, and so forth  isn't an accurate description of God.

For us to know God was said best by Jesus and Buddha, in different words, but meant the same thing, that we must first be "born again" in an awareness-of-being that's not dependent on the beliefs and values created by others. We must be transformed in our own unconditioned consciousness.

Meanwhile, we can't claim to know God, and believe we are powerless. This is a contradiction. It's also a contradiction for us to have faith in God's power, but not in our own power. If we are truly "children of God," then why are we so spiritually powerless.

We are powerless because of our beliefs and values. And this dependency on them prevents us from having a vision of ourselves that's free of what others have taught us.

It's important for us to always remember that we are greater than our current awareness-of-being. And to remember that for us to communicate successfully with God, we must first overcome what others have taught us about ourselves and our worthiness to have power.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Powers of Mind Consciousness Transcends Racism and Powerlessness

 Today many of us are overwhelmed by the news that our society is not as peaceful as we desire it to be. Unfortunately, this current torrent of anger and emotional angst, resulting in back and forth accusations on racism and the merits of law and order, are not expressions of our spirituality.

Our current awareness-of-being is distorted by our perspectives on power. In other words, some of us believe power is expressed in weapons of destruction. While others believe it is expressed best in mass demonstrations reminiscent of a past time era. Unfortunately, these two perspectives are merely expressions of our toxic beliefs and values.

Most, if not all, of us haven't reached the point in our spiritual development to access our Powers of Mind. We are still in the dark ages of spiritual consciousness. This means we're unable to become enlightened in the face of attacks on the toxic beliefs and values that we acquired from our parents and society.

For those of us who desire enlightenment, we must first detach ourselves from the illusory beliefs that somehow our actions are spiritual. This requires us to create another awareness-of-being that perceive ourselves and others without our toxic distortions.  This also means we must stop deceiving ourselves about who we are.

Similarly, whatever spiritual power we believe in, we must come to terms with how we relate to this power. And also, how we can access and use this power to transcend our current beliefs and values. These are the ones responsible for our anger, our violence, and our attempts to disconnect ourselves from racism and other deleterious emotions.

Some of us believe that Powers of Mind is the consciousness that's greater than our current beliefs and values. We have discovered this consciousness is the spiritual perspective that's missing from our current actions.

Meanwhile, all of the spiritual sages, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and others realized that Powers of Mind is the born-again consciousness. They knew this consciousness as that which is greater than what others had taught them about their awareness-of-being.

Powers of Mind consciousness is the awareness-of-being that transcends hope and prayer. When we access Powers of Mind, we are no longer angry, powerless, or restricted by societal labels of race, gender, age, wealth, status, and so on.

Nevertheless, when we reach the clarity in our lives that we're able to acknowledge that Powers of Mind is not responsible for what we're doing to each other, then we're able to begin the self-discovery process of personal responsibility. This clearly means our beliefs and values are responsible for what's happening in our society.

Whenever we embrace personal responsibility for our beliefs and values, we are then able to begin the reconstruction of a new awareness-of-being. This is our confirmation that we have the power to transcend our current beliefs and values.

Our current awareness-of-being connect us to others in a perspective known only to each individual. And it's from this toxic perspective that we commit all types of deleterious actions against each other. Unfortunately, these actions only move us further from our Powers of Mind.

Meanwhile, if we are ever going to transcend our proclivities for anger and violence, we must first stop deluding ourselves that God sanctions our behavior. God didn't create our beliefs and society. They were created by people in this world; the material world, not the spiritual one.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Consciousness to be Born-Again

We are born with our unconditioned consciousness. This consciousness is all the power we will ever need to express an enlightened awareness-of-being.

For us to be born-again, we must first understand what this seemingly impossible concept means. Obviously, we cannot actually be physically reborn in the same form as we possess now. So this has to mean a spiritual or consciousness rebirth.

When we become aware of how to use our unconditioned consciousness, then we understand that this rebirth in consciousness begins with our awareness-of-being dependent on others' beliefs and values. In other words, we become aware of how we created ourselves based on what others taught us.

Similarly, many of us continue to believe what others (parents and society) taught, and continue to teach, us about being born-again. They continue to teach us that being born-again is a ritual used to consummate our declaration of faith. 

Consequently, we continue to delude ourselves about this process. We now believe that all we have to do is make a declaration of faith,  participate in a ritual, and suddenly our lives are transformed from the beliefs and values taught us by others.

Meanwhile, after this process, if we continue to examine ourselves, we will discover that our beliefs and values are  basically the same. The primary difference is that we now believe this is a new, transformative experience, which requires us to try and control many aspects of our behavior. Unfortunately, we have forgotten that this information was in the world before we were born. 

As long as we are relying on the beliefs and values taught us by others, we are still powerless to them. This means we are still  perceiving ourselves with societal labels of race, color, gender, religion, class, and so on.

So what's the solution for rebirth? We have been provided the answer over and over again by Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and others. Unfortunately, most of us still don't know how to do it.

Nevertheless, being born-again begins with our consciousness. We must accept that within our being is unconditioned consciousness. This consciousness begins and ends in itself. It is not dependent on societal beliefs and values for its purpose. 

The process of reuniting with our unconditioned consciousness is transcendence. In other words, we lose our current awareness-of-being (beliefs and values) and discover another one (enlightened beliefs and values). This means that the current one has to pass away in order for the other one to appear.

At the deeper levels of this consciousness, we must be willing to let go of the toxic beliefs and values from our parents and others. We must become our own teachers by understanding how to use our unconditioned consciousness.

We will discuss this further in future blogs.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Spiritual Changes Beyond our Current Awareness-of-Being

Most of us are fixated on who we are now, and what we hope to become in the future. We are constantly trying to change our current awareness-of-being into something else. We desire to reach a spiritual apogee  that's much greater than our current one. 

The more we try to change our current awareness-of-being, the more we dislike the current one. Our efforts lock us into a cyclical nightmare of daydreaming about the past, and its glorious fun days, to hoping we change to someone better in the future. 

It's unfortunate for us that we have been taught by others to believe we are always spiritually incomplete. This incompleteness drives us to try and change something we cannot see or touch.

Nevertheless, after years of searching for spiritual awareness, most of us discover that it's far more difficult  to change our spiritual awareness-of-being than our career or status. We also discover that spirituality is invisible, and therefore exists only in our individual beliefs and values.

Many of us think we have reached a spiritual apotheosis by simply saying it's so. After we do a few meditations, say a few prayers, and attend a few religious meetings, we believe we have elevated ourselves to a higher level of spiritual awareness.

We begin to emulate the spiritual motions of those whom we believe are more spiritually developed than us. In other words, we try to impress others by our outwardly spiritual gestures.

Similarly, some of us who are aware of the relationship between spirituality and consciousness understand that consciousness and awareness-of-being is one. And this means we don't try to impress others or seek their approval for our  acceptance of consciousness as being the only spirituality we can ever know.

When we open our consciousness to perceive ourselves without our current beliefs and values, we understand that spirituality is just another word from the  beliefs and values we were taught by others.This means it's changeable.

Meanwhile, our spirituality is not sacrosanct. For most of us, it exists in the beliefs and values that we received from our parents, society, and experience. And our reliance on what others taught us distort whatever theosophical perspective we can discover that will define it's true meaning.

Spirituality, like enlightenment, exists in its pure form only in our unconditioned consciousness. This means it's not found in the teachings of others.

The path to our unconditioned consciousness is one illumined by our Powers of Mind. This is the consciousness that contains within itself a limitless number of awareness-of-beings.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Overcoming Spiritual Mediocrity

 Most of us, who believe we are powerless and poor, are victims of our own spiritual mediocrity. We're in this state of awareness because of our beliefs and values about the current conditions in our lives.
Spiritual mediocrity means we're comfortable being like others. It means we don't want to be different from others, because of our fears of ostracism.  And it also means that we shape our awareness-of-being to fit  with what others are doing to achieve enlightenment.

Similarly, our current awareness-of-being imprisons us as victims to the current conditions in our lives. We believe the conditions in our lives have a reality or existence without their creator. We have forgotten that we are the creators of everything in our lives.

We give power to the illusions expressing themselves as problems in our lives. We endow them with greater powers than their creators. And after awhile, we (creators) become powerless to our  creations (problems).

Nevertheless, our illusions are nothing more than expressions of our beliefs and values. They change whenever we, their higher power, change our beliefs and values.

Most spiritual poor and powerless people have faith in a higher power because it gives us hope. We have been taught by others to believe we're  powerless because we don't have faith in this power. So we pray, meditate, and attend religious worship services to assist us with strengthening our faith in a higher power that's outside of our consciousness. 

For many of us, we never achieve the necessary faith to transmute our powerless beliefs and values into ones of enlightenment. So we continue to search vainly for something that we already possess.

The search for enlightenment is an inner one. One that begins and ends in consciousness. It is the awareness-of-being that's greater than spiritual mediocrity.

Meanwhile, there is a way to change our current awareness- of-being; it is Powers of Mind. Powers of Mind, in its pure form, is unconditioned consciousness.

The narrow road of unconditioned consciousness, the one that exists off the crowed one of spiritual mediocrity, is within our consciousness. It is not found among those hoping that one day they will hear the right sermon, speech, or meet the right person who can transform their lives.

When we realize that our enlightenment is not found in another person, we will know that it already exists in us. And with this realization comes the awareness that we must be reborn in consciousness to use this power.

To be reborn again simply means letting go of the toxic beliefs and values and becoming consciousness-of being one with our unconditioned consciousness.   Consciousness is nothing more than awareness-of-being without the awareness-of-being something defined by toxic beliefs and values.

The road to enlightenment is one that many of us desire to be on, but few are willing to let go of the toxic baggage (beliefs and values) preventing us from entering onto it. The higher power we pray to is in our own unconditioned consciousness.This power is not found in another person, but in each of us.

Meanwhile, when we decide to stop accepting ourselves as victims of spiritual mediocrity, we can open our consciousness to discover the vast power existing in each of us. And with this power, we can no longer accept our awareness-of-being powerless or victims of others' beliefs and values.

Monday, February 9, 2015

"Living in an Enlightenment Energy Field

We are greater than our current state of awareness. Our greater power comes from transmutation. This is the power to transmute our lives from deplorable conditions of pain and suffering into a higher spiritual quality of enlightenment.

Most of us don't truly believe in transmuted power. We think it applies only to the alchemy beliefs from the past. This is not the case.

We have the power to enter into an energy field where transmuting exists. It is in this energy field where we learn that transmutation of our toxic beliefs and values into enlightened ones is a consciousness process.

This consciousness process actually exists beyond our current memory banks filled with toxic beliefs and values. It is at this level where we learn the difference between our mind and consciousness. These are two distinct entities that are independent of each other. At least insofar as clarity and power.

We have the power to transmute the invisible to the visible. In other words, we can transmute our powerless lives into ones fill with expansive power and clarity simply by imagining it so.  As it was said, "call things which are not seen as though they were."

Nevertheless, until we decide to let go of our current awareness-of-being, created from toxic beliefs and values, we cannot enter into the enlightenment energy field. This is the field where we discover how to transmute the invisible into the visible,. and conversely, the visible into the invisible.

Most of us have forgotten how to use clear, untainted , imagination. We have become complacent with what we know about ourselves and others. And it's this complacency that prevents us from uniting with our unconditioned consciousness in the enlightenment energy field.

Similarly, we have self-doubts about the existence of an invisible power in us. We cannot see it or touch it, so its existence is questionable.

Yet it is always present in the enlightenment energy field. And whether we recognize it or not, this invisible consciousness remains unchanged, unmoved, and unresponsive to what we have been taught about ourselves and others.

For us to travel into another time continuum, one that changes our spatiotemporal perspectives on existence, we must be willing to be reborn again, not in the popularized sense used by many today, but in the spiritual or enlightenment awareness found only in our unconditioned or enlightened consciousness.

When we are reborn in enlightenment, we are no longer dependent on toxic beliefs and values to interpret ourselves and others. We're able to perceive ourselves and others without the toxic labels created by others for our use. We will have transitioned in consciousness from one world to another one.

We are the resurrection and life of all our beliefs and values. When one awareness-of-being passes away, we have the power to resurrect a new one. In other words, when we stop believing we are powerless, we have the power to create an entirely new person.

"If a physical fact can produce a psychological state, then a psychological state can produce a physical fact." This is expressed symbolically as: (If A, then B. If B, then A). In other words, in the enlightenment energy field, where we are one with our unconditioned consciousness, consciousness expresses both psychological and physical states of awareness.

Regardless of the current conditions in our lives, we have within us an enlightenment energy field. This power can overcome all the conditions created from our toxic beliefs and values. And with this power, we don't have to remain powerless.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Power to Stop Blaming Others for our Problems

Someone else is responsible for creating the current conditions in my life, because I don't remember creating this mess. Although I occasionally acknowledge a modicum of  some responsibility,  this feeling usually quickly dissolves into me blaming others.

Many of us find it difficult to blame ourselves for the conditions in our lives. It seems so unnatural to blame ourselves for our own unemployment, debt, illiteracy, dead-end jobs, obesity, addictions, home foreclosures, imprisonment, and so forth.

Yet we are responsible for all of this and more. We are the ones making the toxic decisions to create suffering and unhappiness in our lives. 

It's our beliefs and values that are responsible for our current awareness-of-being. And whomever we believe we are in the current moment are the ones creating the actions that, over time, produce problems. .

Our problems exist in a toxic time continuum of lack, limitation, and struggle. They follow a predictable pattern of behavior from childhood, and through the various stages of our lives.

For us to solve our problems, we must first understand how to overcome the toxic time continuum that's limiting our perspective on other awareness-of-being. This pattern change begins with acceptance of our current awareness-of-being and what we're producing in our lives.

In other words, we cannot truly solve our current problems until we change our beliefs and values. We need to create another perspective to assist us with understanding the creative process used to produce the problems.

This new perspective is free from dependency on others. It is the Powers of Mind perspective of unconditioned consciousness. This is the power we need to free us of the traditional patterns of behavior producing beliefs of lack, limitation, and struggle.

At each stage of our development into powerless beliefs and values, we have basically followed a traditional pattern of behavior that's consistent with what we were taught by our parents and society. This means depending on others for our enlightenment.

Our Guides -- parents and society --  are not responsible for our current conditions. Even though they  taught us to the level of their own awareness-of-being, they didn't have the power to create our consciousness. Our consciousness belongs exclusively to each individual. 

Nevertheless, our psychological dependency on others makes it easier for us to blame them for our problems. It's unfortunate, but many of us continue the blame-game throughout our lifetime by expanding it to include society, spirituality-religion,  and those in positions of power.

Whatever spirituality-religious beliefs we hold,  many of us interpret them to either be responsible for creating the problem or for solving it. Unfortunately, problem-solving has nothing to do with our religious beliefs, except our beliefs give us the inspiration and motivation to do something about solving the problems.

Nevertheless, at the core of our awareness-of-being is denial: a fixation on not listening or exploring other perspectives. We firmly believe our way, our current awareness-of-being, is the right one. All other unknown awareness-of-beings are wrong or questionable.

Whenever we embrace our Powers of Mind as the enlightenment gateway, we understand that we have the power to solve all of our problems. We change the current conditions in our lives when we change our awareness-of-being to someone with power.

Meanwhile, we are the creators of all of our problems. While others taught us, we have the responsibility to unlearn or transcend what they taught us. This is done by trusting our Powers of Mind.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Consciousness Beyond Dependency on Others

All of us have been conditioned to accept our awareness-of-being according to how Society has defined us by color, race, religion, status, and so forth.  This mind-conditioning process is responsible for how we perceive ourselves and others.

So when we immerse our Self into these societal labels, we're actually accepting our awareness-of-being according to the labels. This acceptance makes it difficult for us to discover another perspective of ourselves that's independent of what we currently think of ourselves.

Similarly, whether we're aware of it or not, our awareness-of-being is the consciousness of now. This means we are always aware of being someone that's defined by color, race, religion, status, gender, and so on.. And it's this awareness-of-being that we're using to make all of our decisions.
This means our current awareness-of-being is filled with desires to overcome lack, limitation, and struggle. This constant desire to become something other than our current awareness-of-being is what gives us the motivation to search for other perspectives.

The enlightenment principle: "I acknowledge that I am responsible for the current conditions in my life" is the cry of freedom. It is the recognition that we are the creators of our own awareness-of-being. This is the first step toward understanding how to use our Powers of Mind to create other awareness-of-being.

When we take this first step in Powers of Mind discovery, we enter onto the enlightenment path. This is the path where we're able to free our minds of the toxic beliefs and values and  create a new awareness-of-being with the limitless power of clarity.

Those of us who have been willing to travel on the Powers of Mind enlightenment path are experiencing a clarity unknown to us on the crowded path.  We are able to clearly see the beliefs and values responsible for the confusion in our lives.

We have discovered on the Powers of Mind path that consciousness is the source of our awareness-of- being. And that when we clean our consciousness of its dependency on toxic beliefs and values, we're able to perceive ourselves without the societal distortions.

We know that the enlightenment we seek is found within our own Powers of Mind consciousness. This is not the consciousness created by society, but the unconditioned consciousness within each of us that remains unchanged by our awareness-of-being.

When we remember the words of the enlightened one, The Christ, who said, "The Kingdom of God is within you...and there are many mansions in my father's house..." we are able to understand the spacious nature of consciousness.

The house (consciousness) he referred to is our unconditioned consciousness. This consciousness has limitless spacious (mansions) awareness of being.

For us to truly understand consciousness, we must be mindful of the fact that Eastern writers used words to express ideas different from Western interpretations. So in many instances, our ;literal  interpretations of the Eastern Biblical symbolism vitiates the original clarity.

Nevertheless, nothing is hidden from our unconditioned consciousness. This transcendent force is dependent only on  itself for clarity, regardless of what others teach us.

Powers of Mind is the power of transcendence. It's apotheosis presence in our awareness of being provides us with the spiritual substance of clarity.

Meanwhile, there are no excuses for our willingness to rely on others for our spiritual fulfillment  We are responsible for our own awareness-of-being. We made the choices to accept the societal labels and embody them as our own awareness-of-being.

I am that person that I am aware of being.