Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Commitment to Imagination

Many of us are spiritual  failures. In our quest for success, we have moved so far away from our Powers of Mind that Enlightenment is no longer something we seek to achieve. For us, Enlightenment is not attainable in this world. 

Regardless of what we think about ourselves today, we have the power to change. We can transform our lives by using our imagination or image-in the end results we desire to see in our lives.

We can transform our lives beyond the toxic beliefs telling us that we cannot get ahead in life. We can stop believing that it's divine fate responsible for our constantly living from paycheck to paycheck, mired in debts, and desiring more but unable to achieve it. We are responsible for our own decisions of choosing hope over Powers of Mind.

For us to access power, we must first make a commitment to the Powers of Mind already existing in our consciousness. This commitment is made to an invisible colorless, faceless, and formless presence awaiting our discovery.

Some of us are unwilling to make this commitment to Powers of Mind, because we believe we already have achieved success in our lives. While there are others who believe it's a fable. It's unfortunate, but both groups have restricted their spiritual imagination to the illusions confirming their success or failure.

Similarly, our desires for change are distorted by our own commitments to toxic beliefs and values. This means we seek clarity from those who cannot give it to us.

This spiritual dependency on others eventually expands into all aspects of our lives.  After awhile, we become dependent on society to solve all of our problems. In this weakened consciousness, we are  powerless to access power from any source of beliefs and values other than the one taught by others.

In other words, we are socially and spiritually dependent on others because of the toxic beliefs and values restricting our imagination. This self-restricted imagination prevents us from becoming one with our unconditioned awareness of being.

Meanwhile, the invisible Powers of Mind has its own reward of clarity:  The ability to perceive life without the distortions from our toxic beliefs and values. This is the clarity we need to understand the temporal nature of materialism, egoism, and dependency on societal exaltation from others.

When we decide to make a commitment to our Powers of Mind, we begin to make clearer decisions. Our choices are made by an awakened consciousness.

This consciousness is not responsible for poverty, illness, confusion, greed, materialism, ignorance, and powerlessness. This is the consciousness that's responsible for our clarity, sagacity, and freedom.

"I acknowledge that I have the power to change my beliefs and values."

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