"I am whatever I imagine myself to be."
The journey to enlightenment begins with the desire for enlightenment.
And we begin our journey with the knowledge that we already possess enlightenment, but it is concealed by our toxic beliefs and values.
This is an inner-mind journey. We are searching within our minds for the Powers of Mind light to guide us through the darkness to enlightenment.
Similarly, it's our fear of darkness that makes us powerless. We are afraid to discover its source, which means we're afraid of ourselves. So, in a certain sense, we are powerless because we're inhibited by our beliefs and values from discovering enlightenment
Many of us have inoculated our minds with disbelief, and become comfortable with powerlessness. We trust only what others have taught us about enlightenment.
This makes us willing participants, whether we're aware or not, in victimizing our minds. Although many of us blame others for the current conditions in our lives, we are the ones who made all the decisions.
Regardless of our awareness, we are responsible for our own powerlessness. In other words, we are powerless because we choose to be.
Nevertheless, we can do something about our powerlessness. We begin by acknowledging that we are responsible for the current conditions in our lives. This acknowledgment opens the door to an enlightened awareness of being.
It's important for us to know that whenever we accept our awareness of being as powerless, we place limits on our power. And when we believe we are powerless, we are powerless.
The transition from powerlessness to enlightenment is one of understanding -- understanding the development of our beliefs and values. This enlightenment process doesn't depend on others, but on our willingness to use our Powers of Mind.
Meanwhile, we must seek understanding of how we developed our beliefs and values. This means we must
enter into self-discovery and understand that with Powers of Mind we have all the power we will ever need.
Unfortunately, many of us don't reach this awareness until our desires for freedom become greater than our acceptance of powerlessness. Nevertheless, now is the time for us to claim our power and begin the understanding phase of the enlightenment process.
"I am whatever I imagine myself to be."
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