Thursday, February 20, 2014

Creating New Possibilities With Powers of Mind

"I acknowledge that I have the power to change my beliefs and values."

Some of our problems appear to us as impossibilities. They seem so powerful and pernicious. This causes us to forget that we are their creator.

Many of us work strenuously to avoid creating difficult problems. We prefer to create small problems; the ones that cannot cause us too much harm. Our intentions are always focused on things -- people, places, and external gratification -- that will make us feel better about ourselves.

Nevertheless, it's our small, seemingly innocuous, problems that create the ones that we believe are now impossible. When one mindless action joins with thousand of others, we become overwhelmed and afraid of what we have created. 

Similarly, when we devote our lives to fulfillment in things, we not only neglect our self-enlightenment, we actually divorce ourselves from it.  For many of us, this is a costly divorce: one that separates us from the enlightenment within.

Some of us have created enough space in our consciousness to understand that consequences come from our actions. And if we interpret some of our consequences as being impossible for us to overcome, then we become victims of our own problems.

Meanwhile, with Powers of Mind, what we perceive as impossible is simply our lack of understanding about how to use Powers of Mind.   Powers of Mind enlightens us to understand that what we think and believe is  reality is merely our interpretation of it.

This means we understand that our reality exists only in our beliefs and values. And its  existence and power come from us. In other words, we endow our problems with powers greater than their creator.

Nevertheless, when the impossible becomes possible, the toxic mind perceives this as a miracle. Yet what we describe as a miracle comes from the awareness created by our beliefs and values, and from our lack of understanding about how Powers of Mind works.

"I acknowledge that I have the power to change my beliefs and values." 

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