Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Powers of Mind Knows the Truth About Why we are Here

I am whatever I believe that I am.

The truth about who we are is known only by our unconditioned awareness. This great, limitless power in our minds has the power to become many things. Yet it is always greater than its creations.

Many of us search for our essence in the visions of others. We work diligently to find ourselves in the toxic beliefs and values governing this world. And unfortunately, the more we try to find ourselves in the toxic beliefs and values of others, the more confusion and suffering we create in our lives.

We were not born with toxic beliefs and values; we were taught them by others.

Most of us find it difficult to believe we have Powers in Mind. We rationalize it away by our victimization from the toxic beliefs and values.

Similarly, we continue to believe power cannot exist in the minds of people who have been conditioned to live powerless lifestyles without realizing they are doing so. Unfortunately, this type of belief only sustains powerlessness, and the ancillary fanciful beliefs that authentic power can only be achieved in death.

Whenever we stop and challenge our beliefs and values, we are immediately faced with relinquishing our attachment to the toxic beliefs and values responsible for the way we think and live. Even though our beliefs and values are illusory, we continue to empower them with unprecedented powers.

Nevertheless, we accept our illusions, which come from our toxic beliefs and values.  as part of our powerless birthright. It is from this position of powerless that many of us search for power in things -- people, places, and systems -- that we seek to possess.

We were not born with toxic beliefs and values; we were taught them by others.

Meanwhile, many of us will benefit from our search for power in people, places, and things, because we will discover that all roads to power lead back to our minds. And that what we seek cannot be found in another person, place, or thing. It can only be found in our Powers of Mind. 

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