Monday, August 19, 2013

Powers of Mind is Greater than Victimization

I am powerful as long as I believe I am. 

When I stop believing I am powerful, then I become whatever I am now believing myself to be.

We do all types of work on ourselves. We try to change our lives without having clear minds. We even believe others can teach us how to achieve authentic enlightenment.

Many of us have succumbed to toxic beliefs and values causing us to believe others can actually oppress us. We must remain mindful that only we can oppress ourselves according to our beliefs and values. And, unfortunately for most of us, we have embodied beliefs and values that give powers to others.

If we spend too much time empowering our toxic beliefs and values, we will inevitably begin to feel like victims or powerless. It's a natural consequent of our thinking that causes us to abdicate our powers to others.

I am powerful as long as I believe I am. 

Similarly, it's important to remember that if our goal is to conquer this world's  illusions, we must have the Powers of Mind to liberate our minds of the beliefs and values causing the illusions. In other words, we must stop believing others have powers greater than our own.

Many of us are unwilling to let go of what others have taught us. We are proud of the toxic educations, unfulfilled jobs, circular searches for happiness, and so forth, that shape us into the victimized persons we are seeking to change.

For us to go beyond the illusions, we must be willing to let go of what we currently know about ourselves. In other words, we must lose ourselves. And by losing ourselves, we reach the point where we are unrecognizable to ourselves and others. This is when our Powers of Mind begin to reveal itself to us more clearly. 

Powers of Mind exist in all of us. It is the part of our consciousness that remains unconditioned or protected from the illusions of the world.

Nevertheless, Powers of Mind remains with us as the source of our essence, which will always protect us from those outside of our minds. Unfortunately, many of us don't know how this power actually works in our lives.

Powers of Mind gives us everything that we're aware of being. It doesn't judge or discriminate against toxic or enlightened beliefs and values. It merely express who we are conscious of being at any given moment. However, it can exist by just being, without being something.

When I stop believing I am powerful, then I become whatever I am now believing myself to be.

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