Today, yesterday, and tomorrow are determined by what we think of ourselves and others. Time exists only in our beliefs and values. It's reality is confirmed by our minds.
The only existence we have comes from our minds. The past, present, and future time continuum was created by our minds to measure our existence. And it's this time continuum that's responsible for our regrets, happiness, and optimism.
While our minds travel in time all the time, we never go anywhere without our minds interpreting what we see and experience. And unfortunately our minds can only interpret things based on our beliefs and values. In other words, we see and experience the world based on what we have been taught by others.
Since many of us believe most, if not all, of the information we have been taught by others, we remain in the darkness of their teachings. And this causes us to believe what we see and experience is actually reality. So it follows that enlightenment is an illusion.
Many illusions-advocates believe that everything outside of the illusions is make-believe. And since we have not used enlightenment to navigate the world, it is something magical, surreal or can never be achieved.
Fortunately, we can change what we have been taught by others. We have within us our Powers of Mind. This is the power to create things -- beliefs and values -- not yet seen by the world.
Similarly, our Powers of Mind empowers us to be reborn with enlightened beliefs and values. This rebirth process enlightens our minds to live in this world but not be born of its beliefs and values.In other words, we live in this world, but our minds are not created by it.
Some of us believe remaking ourselves is make-belief; something designed for only philosophical discourse. It's too complicated for us to truly understand, much less accomplish this seemingly impossible goal.
The work of changing our minds, by unlearning what others have taught us, is daunting and wrought with fears. Many of us desire to know more about existence, but we're afraid to challenge our beliefs and values.
Moreover, our fears of the unknown lead us to people who teach us shortcuts for discovering the enlightenment already in our minds. Many of us become committed to the shortcuts and forget that the shortcuts come from the illusions we are working to free ourselves.
Similarly, when we desire to extricate ourselves from the shortcuts, we seek approval from others before taking action. We want to know if it's okay to unlearn what we have been taught by others. In other words, we want the illusory supported institutions to approve our Powers of Mind.
Nevertheless, we must overcome our fears and accept our Powers of Mind as our guide to the enlightenment already existing in our minds. And this means we must stop believing the world can give us enlightenment.
Meanwhile, with our Powers of Mind we can envision or imagine ourselves as formless, faceless, and colorless. We are then able to accept this awareness as our true existence.
This who we are without the illusions or distortions we are using to define ourselves as powerless. In other words, this is who we are in our enlightened state of consciousness.
Powers of Mind is enlightenment without illusions. This limitless power exists in all of our minds. And it's uncluttered form, it perceives life from a formless, faceless, and colorless perspective.
So let's commit ourselves to removing the illusions causing us to worship our form, face, and color. This commitment begins with self-awareness of the existence of Powers of Mind.
Remember: We are greater than the illusions we are using to define ourselves.
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