Thursday, March 14, 2013

Choosing How We Live

We are where we are in life because of our choices. Fortunately, each day brings us opportunities to make new choices about how we want to live. And without fail, each day we make these new choices.

Since most of us are not mindful of making our choices, we frequently believe we are not actually making them. So it's not a stretch in awareness for us to try and blame others for our choices.

Our minds are constantly acting as cesspools of suffering. This is the toxicity causing us to search outside of our minds for the reasons for our choices. And it is this outside-of-mind search that is preventing us from accepting personal responsibility for our choices.

Conversely, our outside-of-mind beliefs cause us to seek solutions from others to tell us what to do.We want others to explain to us why we are unemployed, in foreclosure, angry, in prison, or overweight, addicted to drugs and alcohol, and barely able to support ourselves.

Moreover, the more we seek answers to what's happening in our minds, the more we rely on the teachings of others. And it is this dependency that causes our minds to plunge deeper into the abyss of powerlessness.

Powerlessness is self-degradation. It is responsible for our psychological battles with others to achieve what we already have within our own minds. It is also responsible for our distortions about ourselves and others.

Similarly, we must remain mindful of our  choices placing us in woefully inadequate positions and situations. When we do, we realize our choices reflect, in every detail, our beliefs and values. They accurately express what we believe is the truth about us.

Regardless of how much energy we spend on chasing after others for our power, we inevitably realize that all roads or choices lead back to us. And without a doubt, the search for enlightenment is an inward one. It is one that requires the use of our Powers of Mind. 

It is only when we decide to look into our minds that we discover our minds were developed by our parents, society, and our experiences. And with this new awareness, we must choose whether to remain dependent on these beliefs and values or seek to remove them from our consciousness.

The freedom we seek is found only in our Powers of Mind. This means we must lose or relinquish our attachments to what others have taught us about this power. Unfortunately, this choice is one that most of us are unwilling to make.

Meanwhile, for us to effectively use our Powers of Mind, we must stop depending on others to guide us into our intuitive-unconditioned consciousness. This does not mean, we must stop listening to others. It means we must stop believing they can give us the enlightenment we seek.
Powers of Mind is personal. It exists in individuals as a power that remains eternally free of others' beliefs and values. This is the power given to us by our Creator. 

It's important to remember that if we believe we are less than others, then we are. And for us to change this perception of ourselves, we must make the choice to use our Powers of Mind. 

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