Friday, December 14, 2012

Creating Healthy Minds

There are some things in our lives that we don't want to share with others. These surreptitious experiences, things we don't want to face,  have great power over the way we want people to see us. 

Many of us don't realize that it's our secrets that prevent us from freeing our minds of toxic beliefs and values. And those who do know, find it difficult to accept responsibility for things -- behavior, addictions, children, poverty, and so on -- that we believe lessen who we are today.

We imagine that people like us the way we have projected ourselves to them. And if they should discover that back in the day we did some things we're not proud of, they might not like us.

Many of us constantly enter into relationships -- personal, business, and marriage -- without revealing who we really are. In other words, we don't really tell people we are holding back certain things in order to impress them.

We live in a society where secrets and lies are expected. So people establish criteria to help them decipher what we tell them. Many of us know people are not telling us everything, we just hope and pray they're not holding something back that will cause us to regret ever meeting them.

Meanwhile, for those of us who are removing the secrets from our minds, we know that it's important to have this freedom if we are to express enlightenment. We are the ones working to free our minds of the distortions causing us to devalue who we are in the present moment.

Some of us have reached the point in our work where we are willing to acknowledge that we have an illness. We are working daily to achieve the power to accept that we are responsible for everything that ever happened in our lives. Obviously, we are not speaking of people who have been raped or physically and psychologically victimized by others.

Our awareness of inner-mind power enlightens us to know that we have the power to heal ourselves. We are able to see that most of our deceptions come from the judgments we have about right and wrong. And to know that the more we judge our actions, the more mistakes we create in our lives.

Nevertheless, over time, these mistakes entangle us in a seemingly hopeless psychological quagmire. And it is in this seemingly hopeless situation that we all must begin our work. This is the starting point for those who desire to do the work to enlighten our minds. 

For us to create healthy minds, we must release ourselves from the things causing us to devalue who we are now. We must believe, without doubts, that in this moment in time, we are complete, whole, and perfect.

Today is now. This is where we begin the work to heal our minds. We don't dwell on the past, nor do we devalue ourselves because of the judgments we have about it.

So let's get the wisdom to give us the understanding to know that our minds are unhealthy. And with this wisdom, we can seek succor within our own minds to make them healthy.


Bob said...

Just discovered your blog, Malcom. It seems you have an enlightened perspective with the potential for helping to change our world for the better. I share a similar philosophy, and like you, realize that we must peel the onion of our consciousness to get to the core of our true selves. Given that it takes hard work to do so, though, enlightenment is seldom accomplished in a linear fashion, but rather like following a twisting path. You inspire in a way to help people take the next step along the way. Thank you.

Malcolm Kelly's Enlightenism Insights said...

Hi Bob, Thank you for your comments. I appreciate you taking the time to read and share your thoughts on my blog. It's good to know that others appreciate my work and commitment to enlightenment. Your comments are consistent with my own insights. Peace, Malcolm