All power exists in our mind.
Our existence is confirmed by our minds. So are our goals in life. And even our religious and spiritual beliefs and values come from our minds. Everything that we are capable of doing in life come from our minds.
Some of us find it difficult to believe that everything we know about ourselves and the outside world come from our well-developed beliefs and values. And even when we get inklings or inspirations to awaken our minds, we choose to hang on to what we already know.
We even trick our minds into believing our beliefs and values come from a source of power other than society, parents, and life experiences. And we frequently forget that when we meditate or pray, we do so with beliefs and values received from others and embodied as our own.
In other words, we seek power of clarity by using beliefs and values that distort who we are, and how we perceive life. Whenever we seek liberation or enlightenment in a power outside of our minds, we are relying on beliefs and values that are toxic and deleterious.
All power exists in our mind.
Obviously, this power doesn't exist in a toxic mind or one imprisoned with beliefs and values that distort our perception of ourselves and the outside world.
Nevertheless, in spite of our toxicity, we think and embody beliefs and values. And what we think and believe, determine who we are now, and who we can become later. Our minds determine the outcome of our lives.
Whatever we cherish or desire in our lives come from our minds. Our education comes from the information we are taught by others. So does religion, and to a larger extent spirituality. We know about the existence of things because of our beliefs and values, which existed in the world before we were born.
Although many of us crave knowledge and, in some cases, knowledge of the self, we search for the self with the beliefs and values responsible for distorting the self. Unfortunately, this is a fruitless search. All that we can find in our search is what we already know, or more aptly, what is already known by the collective world consciousness.
This means we search for ourselves handicapped by our illusions of language, religion, moral and spiritual principles, and our incessant need to fit in with others by denying who we are.
Nevertheless, our search for the self is a necessary one, if we desire to enlighten our minds. It's during our search when we become aware that all we know about ourselves is nothing at all. And unfortunately, there's no one in the world, other than us, who can ever define who we are.
Many of us are taught to worship other people, places, and things. And after awhile, we begin to think so little of ourselves that we believe nearly everyone is more powerful than we can ever become. These beliefs confirm we are lost in the search for the self, and that we have forgotten our search is inside, not outside of the mind.
Whenever we forget that all power is in our minds, we fall deeper into the abyss of human victimization and powerlessness. It's important for us to remain mindful of our power at all times. Mindfulness is a form of clarity necessary for the inward journey.
Even in those moments of intense desires for something outside of us, we must remember most of our desires come from toxic beliefs and values. And the things we desire are fulfilled by the powers of our minds.
In other words, we can conceive specific desires and use our mind powers to express the desires into the visible world. This mind power becomes limitless when we remove the veil of distortions preventing us from having a clear and clean mind.
Similarly, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to remove the toxic beliefs and values distorting our vision of ourselves and the outside world. There can be on letup on our work. We must to committed to working everyday on understanding the development of our beliefs and values.
In other words, we must have a strong, unshakable commitment to working on our minds. And if our commitment is easily shaken by others, then it's not a real commitment. Our commitment to enlighten our minds must be strong enough to ignore what we hear and see from others.
For us to think less of ourselves, other than what we were created to be, mean we don't truly understand the limitless power in our minds. We must believe and know we are greater than our present beliefs and values. However, to accept this awareness of power we must be willing to go deeper into our minds, beyond judgments of right and wrong, and discover who we really are without our current beliefs and values.
Meanwhile, even at the level of intense suffering, some of us know we are more than what we have been taught. Something in our mind reminds us of the existence this yet-to-be discovered power. This undiscovered power is our unconditioned consciousness or our inner power. It's all the power we need to express who we are on this journey.
All power exists in our mind.
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