All life begins and ends with our minds. And whether we like it or not, we have definite opinions about the way things are or should be. This information is the bases for our beliefs and values.
Some of the earlier Westerner philosophers postulated that we were born with a "tabula rasa" or blank mind. And that our teachers or guides filled our minds with accepted societal beliefs and values, which we claimed as our own.
For our purposes in enlightening our minds, we are using the blank mind as our starting point in this world; with the understanding that we are aware of the arguments about innate ideas, divine endowment, and so forth.
Unfortunately, most of us are only aware of life as it began with our own caregivers and the unintentional toxic beliefs they imparted to us.
Similarly, some of us believe we just awaken from some deep sleep to find ourselves here in a powerless, half-awake state of existence. And from this half-awake state of consciousness, we begin to develop our minds to understand all the information we were receiving from our parents, society, and our own life experiences.
From our childhood, while in a powerless, half-awake state of consciousness, devoid of past time and existence, we soak up all the toxic beliefs and values that we can to assist us with making sense of our existence and the world we live in.
During different times in the development of our minds, our ego-self, we want to know why we are here; who created us and this world, and what is our connection to this Creator?
Furthermore, in our pursuit of this knowledge, we are prone to listen to others who claim to have it. And after many years of fruitless searches, we always return back to our individual minds for guidance. We want to know if there is some great, unknown power hidden there. And if so, how do we find it?
Some of us search for knowledge in the great books and universities. We cling to our professors words as if they represent the knowledge we need to understand the origins of our own individual minds.
Some of us, after acquiring knowledge about the origins of humankind, Western psychological enlightenment, and various philosophical arguments on cosmology, empiricism, language, and so forth, we feel equipped to discover the power hidden in our minds.
Unfortunately, our unconditioned consciousness or intuitive mind remains hidden beneath the toxic distortions expressing themselves as knowledge.
Our unconditioned mind, or an awareness that's free of toxic distortions, is the source of our existence and the clarity we need to fully live in this world. It holds the answers to all of our questions.
Meanwhile, it's very difficult for us to believe that the knowledge we seek about who we are, is within our minds. It's mind boggling. Yet, it is our only connection to who we are without our toxic distortions.
Nevertheless, and unknown to most of us, the enlightenment we seek is something we already have. We were born from an absolute perfect conception, and endowed with all the power we need to express this conception in our lives. So this makes us whole, perfect, and complete as conceived by our Creator.
Unfortunately, we have filled our minds with so many toxic beliefs and values that teach us otherwise. So we must stop searching outside of ourselves for ourselves.
Regardless of how we try to deny we are powerful, we cannot deny that the search for enlightenment is something that we already have. And it's our unawareness that keeps us searching for it outside of our minds.
The truth we seek can only be discovered in our minds. Our work is to remove the toxic distortions preventing us from discovering this treasure.
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