Today, the victims (powerless) of the world are finding it difficult to suffer in silence. We can no longer ignore the cancerous surge of uncertainty spreading rapidly through our minds.
This is our wake up call for action. Whether we like it or not, we know it's time to do something about our feelings or succumb to our fears of victimization.
Regardless to the numbers of us who are unemployed, losing our homes to foreclosures, drowning in credit card debts or simply unable to cope with the vicissitudes of the economic calamities around us, we somehow, incredulously, find it difficult to believe what's happening is real. This all seems so surreal.
This surreal perception of reality is another example of why we continue to perpetuate victim beliefs and values. And why we have learned to live with the illusions defining us as victims. Unfortunately, too many of us find this as acceptable.
Meanwhile, the fears we have about the power of the illusions inextricably tie us to the confusion we're seeking to escape. So we remain powerless because we're too afraid to accept personal responsibility for creating and embodying the beliefs that sustain our powerlessness.
Our powerlessness or victimization is the way we perceive our existence in this world. And while we complain about our living conditions, we continue to search for solutions outside of ourselves. We don't trust ourselves to have power.
From a victim or a powerless perspective, many of us expect society or its designates to fix our problems. We have been taught to believe we're powerless and that authentic power exists in others.
So the truth about us has already been confirmed by our beliefs and values. This iinescapable truth is always present in our actions.
After awhile, we believe our problems were created by others. And because of the magnitude and duration of them, we cannot imagine that we're responsible for creating so much suffering. So, in a certain sense, we're sleepwalking in our lives, and we're never fully awake
Similarly, as sleepwalkers, we're always struggling to make sense of what's happening in the world. We want to know if this or that policy will harm us. This is the cave-like existence of victims who live in darkness, not fully awake to see where we're going.
Nevertheless, even with our pain and suffering, many of us believe we are powerless, because society and its surrogates taught us to think and act as victims. We don't really believe we chose to live on the bottom of society. No, someone placed us this position.
Some of us perceive our existence in society as minor contributors dependent on others to tell us what to do. We are here, but we're not here to do anything about unemployment, home foreclosures, credit card debts, senseless wars, and the untold violence against each other.
We are here, but we believe no one will listen to what we have to say. So we don't say anything. We're here without the vision to develop ourselves beyond the perceptions of powerlessness.
We're here, but we're afraid to be here. We're afraid to wake up from our illusory dreams.
Similarly, in a certain sense, we are living in the spiritual dark ages. While the world we live in has made gargantuan strides in science, medicine, electronics, and so forth, many of us have not worked on making strides in our spiritual lives.
For us to overcome our fears, we must revalue ourselves with creative power. While we can use the information from our spiritual and personal growth books to guide and inspire us to change, we must be the catalyst for the actions.
Unfortunately, some of us devalue our own power by believing our Creator (the unconditioned consciousness) is not present in our lives now. As victims, we're too afraid to believe it's not sacrilege to claim the divine power within us, and to use this power to revalue ourselves.
It's never sacrilege to use what we already have within us. It's foolish to suffer when we have the power to free ourselves from it. And if we don't use this great power within us now, then when do we plan to use it.
As humans, asleep or awake, our greatest strength is the power of our minds. This power allows us to conquer our fears.
It allows us to create things -- cellular phones, computers, airplanes, heart transplants, and so on -- that were not available to our predecessors. It also allows us to live enlightened, fully awake, lives.
Now is the time to use this great power within us to wake up and perceive the world as it is, and not according to our current beliefs and values.
In other words, it's not our divine birthright to be powerlesss, we choose to live this way.
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