I am greater than the pain in my life. My pain and I are one, but I am the greater power.
Many believe pain is our greatest problem to overcome. We have been victimized by it all our lives. And after thousands of years, we still don't know how to overcome pain.
Most of us have learned how to incorporate pain into our daily lives. We pay little attention to it until it becomes unbearable. When this happens, we panic and do whatever we can to overcome it.
The main problem we face with overcoming pain is we don't know what causes it to come and go in our lives. In most cases, pain is like an uninvited robber trying to rob us of our happiness.
The absence of clarity makes it difficult for us to differentiate the causes of physical and mental pain. Many seek immediate medical attention for physical pain, but don't respond with the same urgency for mental pain. Nevertheless, our responses to both are based on the condition of our mind.
When we spend years conditioning our mind with toxic beliefs, we respond to pain as powerless victims. However, when we empower our mind with Enlightenism, we respond to pain as its master or the greater power.
Most of us doubt the existence of a greater power within because of our reliance on societal sense-certainty beliefs to empower our mind. These illusory beliefs lack the power to overcome years of living with pain and believing we're powerless to overcome it.
Many powerless victims are unaware of how to condition their mind to overcome pain. Most depend on others to tell them how to think and live.
When we become complacent with a powerless lifestyle, we're afraid to change. We also are unwilling to make a long-term commitment to change how we think and live.
The moment we decide to make a long-term commitment to change how we think and live, we begin our search for solutions within the mind. Deep in our mind, beyond the sense-certainty of illusions, we will discover Enlightenism. Enlightenism provides us with the clarity to create a powerful and disciplined mind.
A powerful mind is the clarity to know what seems impossible to the powerless victim is possible with Enlightenism. Enlightenism is the level of awareness where we understand how a powerful and disciplined mind works.
For us to achieve a powerful and disciplined mind, we must overcome the powerless victim mindset. This is the mindset that prevents us from becoming one with Enlightenism.
When we learn how to become one with Enlightenism, we will know we're the master of our pain. Enlightenism is the greater power.
To learn more about Enlightenism, I recommend reading the books Enlightenism and Seeds from the Ashes. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel: @brothermalcolmkelly 1811.
Radio: www,Spreaker.com/BrotherMalcolmKelly.