"My name is Malcolm Kelly, aka "slave," "coon," "n....r," "darkie," "colored," "Negro," "black," and "African American." My introduction is not important nor is my name or the names given me by society. What I am attempting to do is describe, in a limited, pictorial sense, the process of development whereby one changes from a victim to an empowered person."
When I wrote The New African American Man, I was beginning to wake-up from my self-created illusion of victimization. While I didn't realize it then, my waking-up was based on having conditioned my consciousness to accept toxic interpretations of my awareness-of-being.
Nevertheless, for those in positions similar to mine, it's important to know that the desire to overcome victimization comes from years of enduring pain about who you really are without toxicity. This desire comes from the brief glimpses into the unknown regions of your consciousness where you know you're greater than your current awareness-of-being.
This is the unconditioned consciousness that's unknown to victim consciousness. It's free of thoughts of victimization and powerlessness and is only aware of being whole, perfect, and complete.
Similarly, when you have accepted yourself as a victim for all your life, then it's difficult to switch gears and accept that you're not. So before you can change, you must first determine the level of your victimization. This is accomplished by your willingness to let go of the sense-certainty defining you as a victim existing in a toxic illusion.
I am defining illusion as "Toxic beliefs and values from others that one uses to interpret himself or herself and one's relationship with the external world. A man-made world created for one to accept as reality."
Meanwhile, the illusions defining you by race, color, gender, age, religion, status, and education imprison you in a web of powerlessness and victimization. So when you try to free yourself from this web, you struggle with beliefs and values of lack and limitation. Moreover, you become disoriented and question the legitimacy of your actions.
This distorted interpretation of your awareness-of-being prevents your discovery of a new toxic-free one. However, it is the discovery of the toxic-free awareness-of-being that sets you free of victimhood.
I think this quotation from the book Enlightenism clearly defines why I am not a victim.
"It's important to understand that accessibility to Enlightenism requires a cleansed mind. You gain access to this great power by accepting yourself as a creator. This is the awareness-of-being you you achieve after you unmask toxicity, and perceive it as an illusion. You cannot enter into Enlightenism with toxic beliefs and values from your former awareness-of-being. Your new awareness-of-being contains its own beliefs and values."
Meanwhile, the freedom from victimization is achieved by creating a new awareness-of-being. This new awareness-of-being must come from a toxic-free consciousness. And to achieve a toxic-free consciousness, you must unlearn all that you have been taught by others.
Enlightenism by Malcolm Kelly, Spiritual Freedom Philosopher