Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Enlightenism is the Consciousness of Change

Most of us desire some type of change. We constantly seek changes to improve the conditions in our lives. Unfortunately, the changes we desire don't ever happen in the manner we desire to see them.

Whenever we desire to bring something into our lives, we must ensure that we're not using toxic beliefs and values. This means we must do the work on our consciousness before we begin working to bring such and such into our lives.

Many of the desires we seek will plunge us deeper into confusion and feelings of inadequacy. And the greater our confusion, the less clarity we have to understand what type of thing we have brought into our lives.

During our moments of great confusion, we have the opportunity to seek awareness from a different source than the one we are using to create the confusion. It's during our moments of great pain and confusion that we're desperate for something or someone to help us.

 This is our moment of awakening. It's our opportunity to understand that our awareness-of-being begins and ends in our consciousness. Regardless of how hard we try to blame others for having taught us to become victims of their beliefs and values, we're still the ones responsible for our consciousness.

Our responsibility to consciousness is to understand that it belongs exclusively to us. We have the responsibility of transformation. We have the responsibility to stop believing in our self-created illusions. 

When we accept our self-created illusions as reality, we inhibit our consciousness from expressing its authentic awareness-of-being colorless, faceless, and formless. We must then do the work to create another awareness-of-being that's not born from the beliefs and values of others. In other words, we must create the clarity to understand that our consciousness is greater than all the college degrees in the world.

Similarly, it's our reliance on societal beliefs and values on education, religion, materialism, right and wrong behavior, and so on that makes us dependent on illusions. We believe the more we learn from others the greater our awareness-of-being.

Many of of us are unaware that we're victims of consciousness plagiarism. We believe our perceptions of things (people and objects) are accurate descriptions of things as they are. Unfortunately, these are the beliefs that cause us to become lost in our own illusions.

Similarly, once we accept what others have taught us, especially about consciousness, we don't believe we possess within our own consciousness any awareness greater than the one we are using to define ourselves and others.

Meanwhile, this new breakthrough in Enlightenism changes the consciousness paradigm. We're now able to transform our consciousness to a colorless, faceless, and formless awareness-of-being. This is the awareness-of-being that perceives things as they are, without the toxic distortion from our illusions.

Nevertheless, change remains difficult for all of us. It's difficult because we don't possess sufficient clarity to know what we're trying to change. Our illusions have tricked us into believing that we're always going to be inadequate, and in search of something to make us feel better about ourselves.

Enlightenism is the clarity we need to know that we 're created adequate in our consciousness. Our  feelings of being inadequate come from what others have taught us about ourselves and others. This means our search for adequacy and completeness is nothing more than an illusion.

Meanwhile, the desire for change begins and ends in our consciousness. Fortunately, we have the power of Enlightenism within us to transform our victimized consciousness.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Transcendence of Victim Consciousness With Enlightenism

Many of us cannot fathom ourselves as victims. It's a dirty word. It's unsavory. It's despicable, and yet it's the essence of the awareness-of-being we created from toxic beliefs and values.

We become victims by borrowing others' beliefs and values. This creates an indebtedness in our consciousness, which makes us dependent on toxic beliefs and values to satisfy this debt.

Most of us are unaware of  having created a debt-value consciousness.  We accepted the loans (toxic beliefs and values) willingly from our parents and society. And without any awareness of our actions, we mortgaged our clarity of consciousness to toxic beliefs and values.

Nevertheless, regardless of our awareness, we continue to mortgage our consciousness by allowing others to place more and more liens (illusions)  on it. Unfortunately, as our indebtedness grows, so do the illusions.

This conditioning process of descending our consciousness into the illusions creates a toxic, symbiotic relationship with victimization and powerlessness. Our illusions have now become our reality, and our reality has become our illusion. And as the Buddhist say: we give them form, feeling, thought, will, and consciousness.

When we realize that consciousness is the beginning and end of all of our awareness-of-being, then we can   stop mortgaging it to others. We will clearly know that our toxic beliefs and values are the cause of our victimization.

Most victims are too embedded with powerless beliefs and values to reflect on the value of consciousness. We're too consumed by the demands of day-to-day survival to explore other perspectives on consciousness. We believe consciousness is another form of  the depravity we have embodied in victimization.

Similarly, we're too preoccupied with "making it" to engage in philosophical exercises on consciousness. We believe consciousness is make-believe; something people use to trick us and make us stop believing in our illusions.

We are convinced that our illusions are real and powerful. We're also convinced that whatever problems we cannot solve ourselves, there is a higher power that will solve them for us.

Meanwhile, since we are victims of our own illusions, we have forgotten that the "higher power" concept came initially from others. We were taught beliefs and values that gave us an escape from the responsibility to solve all of our own problems, particularly, since we created them with our actions. 

In other words, we believe we can create problems, but we don't have the power to solve them. These are the toxic beliefs and values devaluing our awareness-of-being enlightened. They are the distortions created by our illusions.

Some of us understand that we are the creators of our awareness-of-being. This means we are powerless because we choose to condition our consciousness to express an awareness-of-being powerless. We also  understand that we have the power to condition our consciousness to create a new awareness-of-being where we're able to express power.

When we understand that Enlightenism  is Powers of Mind consciousness, then we'll understand that we can never become aware of ourselves as victims or powerless. This consciousness doesn't contain illusions or toxic beliefs and values.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Enlightenism to Create Another Perspective

Sometimes our consciousness becomes complacent. These are the times when we begin to relax in suffering, and refuse to go deeper into our consciousness for the power of transformation.

During our moments of complacency it's important for us to remember that because we're unaware of something doesn't mean it's unavailable to us. It means we're unwilling to search within our consciousness for the unknown and make it the known.

Most of us learn to live in our consciousness of complacency. We fight gallantly to keep our toxic beliefs and values. And in many cases, we even believe the toxicity is the solution or clarity we need to change the conditions in our lives.

In other words, we are closed to new ideas. We're too heavily invested in our toxic beliefs and values to search for another perspective. 

Some of us even go so far as to deny all ideas outside the scope of our beliefs and values. We believe that what we have been taught by our parents, society, and experience represent all the power we can have achieve. In other words, this society contains within it the sum of all possible awareness-of-being for us to embrace.

Similarly, many of us have encapsulated our minds in beliefs and values that are illusions about who we are. Unfortunately, the realness of the illusions prevent us from even trying to discover another perspective. And it's our doubts about ourselves that make us powerless or victims of others' beliefs and values.   

Nevertheless, when we get off the crowded road of toxic beliefs and values, we begin to understand that the only authentic power in this world is consciousness. It is our individual consciousness that determines how we perceive ourselves and others.

Meanwhile, while we succumb to our illusions about our awareness-of-being we fall prey to two of the most powerful illusions of race and religion. Our use of race and religion to guide us to enlightenment is a powerful illusion.

This awareness-of-being of such and such religion and racial group prevents us from perceiving ourselves and others without toxic distortions. Unfortunately it doesn't matter which race or religion we embrace, it still becomes our stumbling block to enlightenment.

Similarly, when we realize our consciousness is the Creator in us, we're able to understand that no other person can give us our consciousness or power for that matter. And it's when we become one with the Creator (our unconditioned consciousness) in us that we're able to free ourselves from the toxic prison we have created for ourselves in this society.

Meanwhile, we can do something about this toxicity. Some of us have discovered that Enlightenism is the Powers of Mind consciousness that frees us from our powerlessness and beliefs that society have taught us about ourselves and others.

For some of us on the enlightenment road, we understand that Enlightenism is  the not-yet-discovered consciousness that precedes and is greater than our current awareness-of-being