Saturday, February 16, 2019

God's Other Son

Is it possible for God to have more than one Son? If so, how do we determine who that person is?

Many Biblical scholars  and theologians believe Jesus was "God's only begotten son." This understanding of God's power comes solely from John; one of the Synoptic writers of the New Testament. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."(KJV)

Similarly, the three other writers, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, did not make this claim. So we are left with one man's interpretation of God's power to create a Son, which, ironically, contradicts God's biblical creation of Adam as his first begotten Son.

Regardless of the innumerable interpretations we have of God as the Greater Power, we are always left with the fallibility of our human interpretations. This leaves us in a spiritual-intellectual conundrum of having to depend on our Faith.

Whenever we have to depend on Faith, it means we haven't discovered something  for ourselves. It also means we must trust the interpretations of others and place our Faith in their beliefs and values.

When we think of God's other Son, it's difficult to believe it means us. This difficulty comes from our unwillingness to release our attachment to others' interpretation of God's Son.

Nevertheless, God's other Son is begotten from the same consciousness that begat the first humans. This consciousness cannot be defined or interpreted by Faith alone. You must discover it for yourself.

Meanwhile, the self-discovery process begins with understanding our relationship with our Creator. And accepting that our Creator exists within us as Unconditioned Consciousness. Moreover, accepting that this consciousness created us in its  image of being  whole, perfect, and complete.

In other words, we can only define the begetting process by including ourselves as part of it. This means accepting ourselves as the Son of Unconditioned Consciousness, which originally created us in the Awareness-of-Being whole, perfect, and complete.

We are endowed with the power to condition our consciousness to create an infinite Awareness-of-Beings. Unfortunately, most of us have chosen to use others' beliefs and values to create our Awareness-of-Being. 

God's other Son, which includes Daughter, is begotten from Unconditioned Consciousness. This new  awareness-of-being accepts itself as being created with toxic-free beliefs and values. It's an Awareness-of-Being colorless, faceless, and formless.

God's other Son knows that the "begotten Son" is not so much a physical creation,  but one of consciousness. This means when we transcend our Faith, we discover that we are begotten from Unconditioned Consciousness.
                                     The book of "Enlightenism" by "Brother Malcolm" Kelly

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