Friday, January 16, 2015

Power to Stop Blaming Others for our Problems

Someone else is responsible for creating the current conditions in my life, because I don't remember creating this mess. Although I occasionally acknowledge a modicum of  some responsibility,  this feeling usually quickly dissolves into me blaming others.

Many of us find it difficult to blame ourselves for the conditions in our lives. It seems so unnatural to blame ourselves for our own unemployment, debt, illiteracy, dead-end jobs, obesity, addictions, home foreclosures, imprisonment, and so forth.

Yet we are responsible for all of this and more. We are the ones making the toxic decisions to create suffering and unhappiness in our lives. 

It's our beliefs and values that are responsible for our current awareness-of-being. And whomever we believe we are in the current moment are the ones creating the actions that, over time, produce problems. .

Our problems exist in a toxic time continuum of lack, limitation, and struggle. They follow a predictable pattern of behavior from childhood, and through the various stages of our lives.

For us to solve our problems, we must first understand how to overcome the toxic time continuum that's limiting our perspective on other awareness-of-being. This pattern change begins with acceptance of our current awareness-of-being and what we're producing in our lives.

In other words, we cannot truly solve our current problems until we change our beliefs and values. We need to create another perspective to assist us with understanding the creative process used to produce the problems.

This new perspective is free from dependency on others. It is the Powers of Mind perspective of unconditioned consciousness. This is the power we need to free us of the traditional patterns of behavior producing beliefs of lack, limitation, and struggle.

At each stage of our development into powerless beliefs and values, we have basically followed a traditional pattern of behavior that's consistent with what we were taught by our parents and society. This means depending on others for our enlightenment.

Our Guides -- parents and society --  are not responsible for our current conditions. Even though they  taught us to the level of their own awareness-of-being, they didn't have the power to create our consciousness. Our consciousness belongs exclusively to each individual. 

Nevertheless, our psychological dependency on others makes it easier for us to blame them for our problems. It's unfortunate, but many of us continue the blame-game throughout our lifetime by expanding it to include society, spirituality-religion,  and those in positions of power.

Whatever spirituality-religious beliefs we hold,  many of us interpret them to either be responsible for creating the problem or for solving it. Unfortunately, problem-solving has nothing to do with our religious beliefs, except our beliefs give us the inspiration and motivation to do something about solving the problems.

Nevertheless, at the core of our awareness-of-being is denial: a fixation on not listening or exploring other perspectives. We firmly believe our way, our current awareness-of-being, is the right one. All other unknown awareness-of-beings are wrong or questionable.

Whenever we embrace our Powers of Mind as the enlightenment gateway, we understand that we have the power to solve all of our problems. We change the current conditions in our lives when we change our awareness-of-being to someone with power.

Meanwhile, we are the creators of all of our problems. While others taught us, we have the responsibility to unlearn or transcend what they taught us. This is done by trusting our Powers of Mind.

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